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Richie was well known in his small town for his talent in playing the guitar. Himself and his little friend Eddie played music together, Eddie on a keyboard and Richie with his guitar and his voice. The two fit together like a plug in a socket, and everyone thought they were the cutest couple around, and they were.

Richie stumbled down the street, Nirvana blasting out of his headphones and into his ears. It was most likely that he would eventually lose his hearing because of how often he listened to music on full volume, but he couldn't care less. Music was his life, so he made the most of it.

Eddie was sat in his room, his fingers lightly pressing on the keys of his old keyboard, his feet barely touching the ground.

Eddie adored classical music, and he played it often. His mother wasn't fond of Eddie's love for his instrument, but he didn't care. He loved it and no one could stop him. He found it calming to play, it soothed his stress and anxiety, so he played most days after school.

Richie and Eddie met up every Thursday evening to play music together, along with Bill and Stan. Bill on the drums and Stan sang with Richie.

Richie arrived at Eddie's before the other boys did, so the two boys could have some time to themselves before the others arrived. Thankfully, his mother was working all night, so they had the place to themselves.

They took this to their own advantage and "had some fun" while they waited for the other boys. Ones Stan and Bill got to Eddie's, they all started playing their songs, Eddie's house filling with wonderful, loud rock songs. Eddie didn't like rock as much the others did, but he enjoyed himself nonetheless.

Richie kept sending suggestive looks in Eddie's direction while they all played, which put Eddie off occasionally, meaning Richie had done as he intended to do.

Once Stan and Bill left, Eddie and Richie layed down in Eddie's bed, Eddie laying on top of Richie and placing his head gently on his chest, and Richie's hands placed themselves on Eddie's petit waist. The two boys cuddled all night until they both fell asleep, but Richie got woken up suddenly.

"What are you doing with my son?"

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