Chapter 2

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Steve had been gone for some time now. He was supposed to get Eleven some medicine from the bathroom but he hadn't come back yet.

"Where is Steve? How long does it take for the guy to get some medicine?" Mike complained, clearly wanting the older male to get back so his girlfriend would feel better.

The kids all knew someone should go look for Steve and check up on him. It wasn't like him to take too long to get something for the kids if they needed it.

"I'll go get him," Max grumbled as she stood up, the blanket falling from her shoulders and onto the floor. She slowly walked off towards where Steve had gone.
"Steve?" She called out quietly, "come on, Steve. El needs her medicine."

Max turned the light in the bathroom on to see a pile of clothes on the floor. Steve's clothes to be specific. "The hell-" she muttered before seeing that something was under the clothes. She lifted up the shirt to see a small child, probably around two years old, staring up at her.

The little kid made grabby hands at the young teen, so she wrapped him in the shirt and carried him out of the bathroom, grabbing the medicine on the way out.

"Okay so... we may have a problem," Max called as she walked back to the living room. "What's the problem? Steve fall into the toilet or something?" Mike joked, receiving a snicker from Dustin and a high five from Lucas.

Max glared at Mike and set El's medicine down on the table, then going and turning the TV off, causing everyone, except Will and El, to whine and protest. That is, until they saw the child she was holding in her arms.

Will stared in awe and started to say, "Wait... is that...?"
"Steve," Eleven finished as she stood up and took little Steve away from Max, holding him in her arms.

"What do we do?! How did this even happen?! We can't take care of a kid! We are kids!" Dustin started freaking out but Lucas was quick to calm him down.

"Easy, man! All we need to do is wait for Joyce and Hopper to come back and then they will know what to do." However Mike didn't seem time like the idea of having to watch Steve. "So we just... watch him until an adult shows up to save the day?" Mike asked.

As the boys started to argue over calling Hopper now or just waiting, Max and El watched little Steve.

"We need to get him some clothes or something... we can't just keep him wrapped up in his shirt like this," Max muttered, "let's look around upstairs and see if he's got anything laying around. I remember Dustin telling me that Steve's parents never got rid of his old room or clothes from when he was little."

Eleven smiled and nodded, holding Steve in her arms and leading Max upstairs to find the old bedroom, leaving the boys to continue to argue.

Once the two girls found the room, Eleven sat Steve down on the small bed as she and Max searched for clothes for the small boy.

They eventually found a pair of blue footy pajamas with green dinosaurs all over. Max put the outfit on Steve, who seemed excited to be wearing it. He stood up on his bed and giggled, eagerly jumping around.

"Aww, it looks so good on you, Steve," Max complimented, making the little boy blush and get off the bed, hugging her legs. "How about we go downstairs now and watch a movie?" Max then offered.

Steve looked up at the red haired girl and shook his head, running to his closet and pulling out a stuffed bear, soon coming back over and grabbing her hand. "Ready now?" Max giggled, making Steve nod.

Both girls took Steve down the stairs to see the boys finally had stopped arguing with each other. They decided to wait for Hopper and Joyce to come and pick them up, not wanting to ruin their date, and finish watching E.T. with Steve.

Everyone had changed where they had been sitting as they started the movie. Mike and El were now on the loveseat, Lucas and Will on the floor, and Max and Dustin on the couch with little Steve between them.

When the movie started, Steve seemed intrigued by it. He held his stuffed bear close to his chest, eyes practically glued to the screen. By the end of the movie, Steve was leaning on Dustin's arm, trying to keep himself awake.

As the movie finished up and the credits started, there was a knock on the front door. Will  opened the door, but didn't see his mother and Hopper there, but Billy Hargrove.

"I'm here to get Max," he said flatly.

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