Chapter 7

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The ride back to the Harrington house was the same as it was on the way to Benny's. They distracted Steve by playing games with him.
Billy was just glad Steve was easy to entertain, but they really needed him back to normal. Billy didn't want Steve's job as babysitter anymore.

Once Billy pulled up to the house, he grinned when he saw that Joyce and Hopper had gotten back. However his grin immediately dropped when he saw the looks on their faces. Billy got all the kids out of the car and went up to them.
"So... guess you don't know how to change him back?" The blonde teen asked.

"Well... technically no. All Murray could come up with was to just let it take its course. We assume he'll turn back to normal over time," Hopper said, "and due to that, we can't leave him home alone. Someone needs to be with him at all times."

Billy sighed went he heard what Hopper had told him. He looked over his shoulder to see Steve playing in the grass with Max.
"I'll stay with him. Me and Maxine. Neil and Susan won't be back for a while. Went to visit her sister or something," Billy offered, "we can keep an eye on him."

The chief seemed reluctant at first but Joyce cut in before he could say anything, "I think that's a wonderful idea, Billy. Thank you."

"Alright, fine Hargrove. But if anything happens to him..."
"Nothing will happen."

The two stared at each other for a moment before Jonathan and Nancy pulled up with the others.
"How about we get every inside, boys? We can play a few games and then head home at dinner time?" Joyce offered to them.

Billy nodded and then turned around, calling the kids inside. Steve was quick to run over, scampering off of the grass and grabbing the blue eyed teen's hand. Billy smiled down at Steve and took him inside, the rest of the group following after them. Everyone gathered into the living room with each other, most of the kids on the floor.

Billy sat on a couch with Nancy and Jonathan beside him. Steve was practically begging to sit on his lap and who was he to tell the kid no? So he lifted Steve up and placed him on his lap as the kids decided to play on a gaming system Steve had hooked up to the television.

The kids took turns playing, and had asked Steve if he wanted to play with them. However, the child shook his head, telling them that he wanted to stay with Billy. Steve's reply caused Nancy to snicker and Jonathan to crack a grin.

Billy raised an eyebrow at the two but shrugged it off as Steve started playing with Billy's large hand. His hand was so small compared to Billy's. The teenager smiled down at Steve and brought his other hand up, stroking Steve's hair softly. He heard the younger Steve make a noise of enjoyment as he leaned further into Billy's chest.

Time flew by as the kids kept playing games and, eventually, it was dinner time. Everyone decided to head back to their own houses. They all said their goodbyes to Steve.
"Bye Steve!"
"See you tomorrow!"
"Keep an eye on Billy, Max."
"Shut it, Dustin, we'll be fine."

And then the house fell quiet. No more loud kids or, hushed whispers from Joyce and Hopper, or odd looking from Jonathan and Nancy.

"Okay Stevie. I've got to make us all something to eat now," Billy told the boy, who just shook his head. "No! Wanna stay here!" Steve whined. It was very obvious that Steve was extremely comfortable in Billy's lap and wouldn't be moving by himself. He crossed his arms and leaned back more, huffing.

Billy sighed and looked over to Max. The ginger just snickered at him and said, "I can make something for us. Don't worry, Stevie, you can stay with Billy," Max teased slightly as she hopped off the couch and went to the kitchen.

Billy watched her go and then looked down at Steve. "You know that we aren't staying like this forever, right, Steve?" He said. The small boy nodded his head slowly. "I know... but it's so comfy!" He whined, turning around to face Billy. The teen just chuckled and patted his head.
"How bout we play peak-a-boo till Max finishes dinner?"
"That's a baby game! I'm no baby!"
Billy just prayed Max would hurry up and not burn the house down.

(Hey guys! Thanks for all the support so far on this story. I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep going but I'll keep updating as much as I can!)

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