Time to do Some Ass-Kicking

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Completely dedicated to my bæ, QueenRavenHeart who annoys me extremely and I hate her sometimes. But I love her and she is the one that keeps me writing this. So thank her.

"I'm gonna agree with you." I say, cocking the one gun I kept. I stand up. I notice how skinny we all are, I've never really been starving, but I know to be thankful for meals now. I grab the railing and pound on the doors. The one finally falls to the ground after several hard pounds. We all rush out to find thousands of walker. We react by stabbing and shooting them. I can't believe how many there are. The door opens behind Rick, he's pulled back by Gareth with the same, soul crushing look. His men Grab Daryl and Glenn also. Wow, for surviving this long, they sure don't have common sense. I keep on shooting and stabbing walkers. I see snipers on top of the building. It's a long distance shoot but I perfect it by shooting him in the head. I spot a bulky Green door in the corner, I sprint over to it. Arm guarding my side, I carefully push it open, and surprising it softly swingings open, it has to be too good to be true. I peer inside, all clear. I tiptoe inside, its all our weapons. But there's one that stands out to me. The camouflage crossbow with slight pink streaks in it. In sloppy handwriting with a knife it's engraved "Riley". It's mine. I pick it up. The handles tough in my hands, it feels natural.
"Riley is Back baby!" I scream to myself crazily. I grab some arrows, wow, for genius cannibals, they couldn't have locked the door?
I grab several knives and place them in the pouch I have, I run outside, Everyone still struggling to get out, then I see her, she's stained with dirt and is smeared with walker guts, Carol!! She's throwing something onto the roof of Terminus. It's explodes into flames.
"GO,GO,GO let's get the hell outta here!!" I hear Rick scream. He's holding the ripped chain link fence. We crawl through the hole and run. Someone runs up behind me and takes my chance to run through the hole. She's a blur, but I can make out the streaks of black and green hair. It's Raven.
"Hiya!!!" A boy screams In my face and also takes my chance as he runs off. I finally cram through the hole and walk up, where I find Raven and Freddy waving at me mockingly, Rick is dusting off his weapon bag. Micchone is looking at her feet in despair.
"They took my katana." She says miserably. They did take some of our weapons.
"HHIIIII" Freddy screams in my face, the crack still in his glasses. I slap him hardly and he whines out in pain, clutching his cheek.
"Howdy!" I say.
"You made it." Raven says.
"Yup. Barely." I say. I walk over to Carl.
"That was close." He says, there's a rustling in the bushes. Is it possible that Gareth survived?? A familiar face ducks out from behind the tree next to Rick, with a stained yellow poncho, a dirt smeared face, I still recognise her. It's Carol!! Daryl bounds towards her, wrapping his arms around her. She returns the favour by doing the same.
"Aunt Carol??!" Raven yells, sprinting towards her.
"Raven!!!" Carol cries. Wow, small world I guess. I go up to her. Smiling.
"Carol.. I missed you!" I say brightly.
"I missed you too sweetie." She says.
We walk to a broken down shack, talking about the past, but not once mentioning the prison or Hershel's death. We finally reach the cabin, it's in good condition, and we Tyreese holding a bundle a little bigger than my crossbow, Rick and Carl seem mortified, like they saw a ghost, Carl I can tell is about to burst into tears, They both sprint towards Judith, with bittersweet looks on their faces. I walk up, personally I loved Judith. Rick cradles her in his arms, her green eyes staring up at him. Carl grabs her little palms and places them on his face, she giggles slightly and places her head up against His shoulder, I look to my side, Raven and Freddy seem to be chatting.
"We made it." Raven beams.
"You found your Aunt." Freddy replies.
"We did it.." She says, he hugs her and she pushes him into the mud puddle next to her.
"Just because I'm happy doesn't mean you can hug me!!" She yells. I laugh, I hug Carl, he kisses my cheek. I kiss back and lock him in a loving embrace. I grab Judith and hug her. She wraps her tiny hands around me and I smile. Everyone is fine, everyone is alive, everything is perfect.
It just took a little ass-kicking.

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