The new ones

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I dedicate this chapter to my two BFF's Ali and Tyler, who helped me come up with this chapter.

I feel My newly short hair rubbing against a thick, rough bark. Which I realize is from a tree. I hear the sound of a group laying my name and smiling.
It's Glenn and the others.....

I can't believe it. They certainly aren't looking for me. I think it was THEM who put me here. I try to call out their names. But my voice is clogged with tears boiling up in my eyes. They left me here. To die... To never see again...

Well you know what.... SCREW THEM. SCREW GLENN, SCREW TARA. SCREW EUGENE. SCREW ROSITA. SCREW THAT OTHER JERKFACE! Screw everyone. But somehow I can't keep the tears down. I let it all out. I bang my fists against the sharp bark of the tree. Causing them to scrape and bleed. I keep banging them against the tree until they are cut open and mangled. So this is what depression feels like, like your soul which dosent even have a place in the world is just an empty cavern of sadness. I am worthless and I know that now. I cut open my wrists. Like Beth told me she did. I cry out in pain as blood pours out...... I clutch the wound and scream out. What am I doing....... I'm here. My wrists open and bleeding. I have to stop. I'm worth better. I grab the single ace bandage in my backpack and wrap it around my wrists. Applying pressure to the blood stained bandage. I walk some more. Trying my hardestto kill the walkers that pass me. Yeah.... I cut my right wrist. I'm right handed. Should have thought that through...... I reach a single elementary school, with a large red tube up the front in its playground. I walk to it and do what I sadly never could do as a child in school. I climbed up the side, letting out a faint giggle. I'm having fun. Something that rarely happens. I tie myself to it and place my head to the cold plastic tube. Then I hear screaming.

"RAVENNNNN!!! GET IT OFFFFFF, GET IT OFFFFFF, GET IT OOOOOFFFFF!!!!!" I hear a boy about my age scream.

"Damn Freddy, you're such a BABY!!!" I hear from a girl also my age yell at the boy as she shoots the several walkers clinging to the boy.

"God Fred. Seriously. You're sure they're HERE." I hear the girl yell at the boy.

"Raven. This is Ava's school. My mom
Is the principal and my dad is a fifth grade teacher." Freddy I think it is, says.

"Okay. If you are wrong....." The girl says. Then the ropes securing me to the tube snap. I fall from the top of the slide, flailing arms. And topple over on my face, my wounds open up and bleed more. Along with a new one on my face. Crap. I scream out more. And roll onto my back, moaning in pain. I open my eyes to see the girl pointing a gun in my face. I moan again, and then scream.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Shrieks the boy.

"I hear an 'oomph' its probably a walker, C'mon I'm not risking death again. The girl spits. I hear footsteps pounding on the wood chips, and by the time I roll onto my stomach, they both are looking down at me.

"Should we treat her Rave?" The boy says. He has slightly matted yet spiky hair, a pudgy body and glasses.
"I ain't doing shit for a spy." The girl says. Glaring at me, she has brown hair with natural highlights of golden stands, and the other half of her hair is an eye-popping green, turquoise and purple hair.

"Raven Aliyanna Thomas. She just freaking fell on her freaking face, give her a break." The boy says, he looks at me with a sympathetic look.

"Hi......My......Naaaame..... Isssss.....Freeeedddyyy.....Herrrrrr......Naaaaame.....Issss.....Ravennnnn."He says, slurring his words as if I was deaf.

"C'mon I know I fell but you don't need to make a fool of yourself." I tell him. He gives me a shocked look and stares at his side for an embarrassed minute.

"Freddy just let me kill her!" The girl cackles.





"This is how I found YOU Raven."

"UGH!!!! Fine."


"Fine. Hello there friend! I'm Raven and our fellow friend here is Freddy!" Raven says in a sarcastically friendly voice. I cough out a slight giggle. I sit up from the soggy wood chips and brush myself off. I stand up and walk away.

"Where do you think yore going?" Raven screams at me.

"Finding people." I say back.

"Nooooo!!! You need to stay with ussssss!" Freddy whines.

"I am perfectly fine without you guys slowing me down." I say. I'm drawing more attention.

"But you're family Riley!!!" Freddy yells.
"I've barely known you for even five minutes." I reply.

"Oh. Yeah" He says, dumbly.

"Fred. Lets not waste our time on her. We gotta find Ava, thats what you came here for, not to find pity on some other survivor!!" Raven yells at him.

"Raven, we haven't seen seen more than two people in the past YEAR." Freddy snaps at her.

"Listen, Lemme just be 'lone for a bit!" I yell, my throat beginning to become sore.

So Freddy sat down on the kiddie swing right next to us. What a spaz.
We waited more...

"Are you rea-"

"SHUT UP!" I screech, and he backs away, his thick-rimmed falling to the ground and cracking the one lens.
More waiting. I hear gargling and growling. Then the cracking of metal. They come, one by one, walkers. I grab my crossbow. School-kids and teachers. I see a little girl with dark brown hair and a ripped neck. Freddy starts screaming bloody-Mary and kneels to the ground, crying, he walks up to her.

"A...ava??? Ava got! How could they...I'm so sorry my little Avey..No!!! NO!" He screams at the top of his lungs. Raven comes running to us, trying to shoot them, but its too late. The girl tears into Freddy's neck. His glasses falling to the pavement and shattering entirely. He topples to the ground crying, before the walkers devour him all. Organs stain the black pavement into a dark maroon. I plaster a look of sorrow and surprise on my face.

"Freddy...." Raven says, kneeling over his body. I shoot more walkers until the rest of the bodies slam on the pavement. Freddy sits up. I know this isn't good. His eyes a pale blue and his face an eerie gray, he bites into Raven's forehead. She screams and I shoot him. Never really knowing Freddy, I still feel sorrow. She sits up.

"This is all YOUR FAULT YOU FREAKING, SELFISH, WORTHLESS HUMAN BEING!!!!" She screams. I have no words. She sniffles and gives me a look a pure hate. She picks up her gun.

"If I'm going down, your coming with me...." She says. She points it at my temple. Before I can react, she pulls the trigger...

HELO! OOOHH! CLIFFHANGER!!!! I'm an evil, cliche bitch! *Sashays hair* IM A PRIMA-DONA! HALLA!!
Keep reding it gets good!

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