Humans Are Evil

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I jolt awake, the sun slightly fading on the horizon. Carl's beautiful ocean-blue eyes widely stare down at me.

"Hey..." I say, tiredly.
"Your awake." He says.
"How long have I been asleep?" I murmur.
"Only a hour or two, you put Judith to bed and fell asleep with her." He coos, as he cradles an ever-so-tired Judith. I smile a bit. I hear the excited pounding of the others on the door. I jump up, if they came back successfully, that means food, and I haven't had a balanced meal in the last week. I jump up and sprint to the door.
"Food?" I ask.
Daryl pulls a large crate from behind him.
"Food." He responds.
I react like a child on Christmas who just got a bike.
"YES!!!!" I scream. Carl walks over to me, I sprint to him and and jump into his arms. I kiss his cheek.
"We got food!" I yell. Everyone walks in they're throwin' cans everywhere, trying on new clothing like it was the worlds first fashion show. Maggie hands me a pair of clothing, it was just a soft pair of jeans and a pair of sweatpants, with a plaid shirt and then a soft long-sleeved shirt that was way too big for me. She also holds something behind her back. She's smiling.
"What the hell are you hiding Mag?" I giggle, and try to reach behind her.
"No!!" She squeals and pulls it in farther behind her. She laughs. Daryl walks up behind me, grabbing my wrists together and sitting me down.
"LEMME GO!!" I scream.
"Never!!" He laughs. Everyone walks up to me, Carl sits down next to me. A devilish look on his face.

"NO! THEY GOT YOU TOO?!" I yell. He just smiles at me.
"Now Riley, Daryl told me today is your 15th birthday." She says. What the heck did she just say? My birthday? I totally forgot! Its September 21st! My birthday! It's my birthday! She hands me a package that's vaguely wrapped in tissue paper. I tear open the light packaging, revealing a box of shoes, Nikey sneakers. Wow, lucky find at the shelter. They had grey bottoms and blue streaks in them. They fit perfectly in a comfy size 7.
"Now I have a surprise for you Riles." Carl says. UGH, I love it when he uses my nickname. He holds out a perfect little box. In ACTUAL wrapping paper. I carefully unravel it, salvaging as much of the paper as I can, there's a little box. I open it, and in the foam it's, its a necklace, and next to it is a little silver ring.
"It's a promise ring." He says. I jump into his arms and place my head on his shoulders.
"Th, thank you." I say, kissing his check, he places the necklace around my neck, it's a crossbow, wow, what a coincidence. I kiss Carl again and Daryl hands me something. Oh. My. God. It's a package of beef jerky.
"YES!!" I scream, shoving a slab into my mouth and running to Daryl.

Later that night everything seemed like it was a normal night in a normal day where almost every human didn't crave flesh. I got more presents, they didn't need to waste supplies on me. I ate the rest of my jerky, got a blessing from Father Gabriel and politely thanked him. And I got hugs from Freddy. Raven walked over to me. She throws something in my face. My instincts react by me grabbing the little bottle, it's green hair dye.
"Happy Birthday kid." She says. Grabbing the bottle from me and dyeing streaks of my brownish-red hair green. I ate a can of pineapple and then some beans, the best meal I had ate in ages.
"So. Is this a good time to ask if you will come to Washington with us?" Abraham asks. Judith lets out a faint
"Ya!" We all laugh.
"Well, you heard her. That's a yes from her!" Rick laughs. We all blab on about a normal laugh that thankfully will be coming soon. After a hour or two we realize something.
"Wait where's Bob?" Sasha worriedly asks.
"Yeah? Where IS he? Freddy asks. We soon start panicking and running around trying to find him, Sasha mostly, she's completely in tears. I put my arm around her.
"Sash, it's okay. We'll find 'im. I say. But It doesn't necessarily help. Then we hear screams, Sasha grabs a candle and rushes outside. Laying there helplessly is Bob, his left leg only a stump.
"Bob!!!" Sasha screeches.
"I,I,I'm okay. Really." He moans.
"No your not! Rick come help me!!" She screams again, we all rush outside she's grabbing his arms and pulling him, Daryl grabs his side, me grabbing the other, and Glenn grabbing his remaining leg, we drag him inside. Placing him on one of the benches.
"They, they ate my leg, the Termians. " He trembles to us.
"Well Hershel survived just fine without his leg." Rick says. Bob looks to his side and sighs.
"I'm bit. A,at the shelter. The walker underwater." He says, showing us a nasty bite on his shoulder.
"No!" Sasha screams. Placing her head against his chest.
"I'm okay Sash." He says, tears streaming down Sasha's face.
"Me and Eugene need to go. NOW. There is a clear threat to him and we can't risk that. So we are going NOW." Abraham booms.
"No, umm, give us 12 hours." Glenn says.
"Okay, but only if you and Maggie come with us." Abraham yells again.
"Sure. 12 hours." Glenn replies.
"I have a couch in my office you could use." Gabriel tells us.
"Thank you." Rick responds. We move him into the office, placing him down on the faded floral sheet. Sasha lightly pecks Bob on the lips, giving him a faint smile. For a dying man, he sure seems great. We line up. Maggie first, ending with Rick and Tyresse.
"You are a great man Bob, I'm going to miss you." She says, pecking him on the cheek. We each tell him how much we are going to miss him.

"I'm gonna miss your jokes so much. " I whisper, almost in tears myself.
"I'm gonna miss you too sweetie." He says softly. I can't handle it, I hug him. Then walk away, my palms in my face. I hear Raven and Freddy saying their goodbyes to him.
"I didn't necessarily know you for too long, but you welcomed me into the group like you had known me for ages." Raven says.
"Basically what she said, I can't too that Bob." Freddy says, laughing a bit. I cry more on one of the benches. Carl
puts his arm around me. But it doesn't help. I cry more. Soon Tyreese comes out. His knife slightly bloody. I can't bare to look at it. Bob is dead. They killed him, Gareth. The Termians. They all need to die.
They're evil. I had spent my years hiding from the humans, the governor an his army, thy were so close to ending my life and ending other's life. That is what real life is.

Humans are Evil.

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