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A few days had passed by rather quickly and my departure for the girls trip was looming. In no time I would be on a plane with Cori and Olympia, taking off to Favignana for the next two and half weeks up until the end of the month.

I was excited to go but nervous as I didn't know what exactly this trip would have in store for me. However, I had high hopes that things would go well in time for Olympia's birthday. As much as she put the focus on my well being and my recovery for this trip, I couldn't forget that her birthday was just around the corner and I wanted it to be a memorable one. I wanted this trip to be more than just a healing journey. I wanted it to be filled with fun and bonding memories that we'd cherish for a lifetime. I owed Olympia a lot and I was truly grateful for her thoughtfulness in offering up the idea of the trip as a helpful sanctuary. It was only fair I repaid her back tenfold.

Olympia usually spent her past birthdays traveling on her own as she preferred solitude, however this year it would be different. Cori and I had plans to throw Olympia a small party the night of her birthday as the day would be spent doing the plethora of activities that awaited us on the island.

These same activities would keep us busy up until the end of the month according to Olympia's itinerary.

I truly couldn't wait.

However, my excitement was paralleled by this gnawing dread and guilt at the fact that I would be leaving Damien behind. I knew how hard it was for him to finally come to an agreement on supporting the idea of me going on the trip. I wanted to know what made him change his strong stance so quickly but I didn't want him to have second thoughts. So, I accepted his support happily. That wasn't to say his support didn't come without terms. He said he would only be comfortable letting me go if he was allowed to organise our security personnel for the trip. This meant that Ragi would be following me as he was my closest bodyguard.

Olympia wasn't entirely happy about that but she later agreed, having terms of her own that she would detail upon our departure.

After our reconciliation a few days back over our argument, things between Damien and I were going rather smoothly—well as smooth as things could go when he was around. I really meant it when I said I wanted him around more but he was burying himself in his work again, much more than usual in an effort to distract himself from facing my impending departure.

When he wasn't checking in on me, he was holed up in his office all day or he was out working late. I would always miss the chance to see him leave when I woke up in the morning and the same happened at night as I'd fall asleep in the living room before he'd return home. Yet somehow, I'd always find myself waking up in our bed despite falling asleep on the couch.

When my quiet day fell to night, I tried to stay up to see Damien come home in hopes of catching up with him as he was out all day. To keep myself busy, I found myself venturing into his office in search of a book to read. Entering his office, my tired eyes scanned the interior, skimming the collection of books by the bookshelf covered wall before lowering to his desk.

I moved towards it, settling behind it in his seat where I sat with my knee's comfortably tucked close to my chest. I wrapped my arms around my body, my chin resting to my knees as I gazed at his chaotic desk that was usually neat. It was covered with papers that I was uninterested to pry through, instead my gaze focused on the bottle of his favourite whiskey that I recognised all too well. He only ever drank it habitually when he was stressed with work.

The emptiness of the bottle was a result of his long nights holed up in his office. I knew he was very stressed. He had a lot on his plate right now and the weight of the Famiglia was on his shoulders too. My impending departure wasn't making this any better and I found myself feeling guilty. Guilty that in my venture for an escape, Damien was forced to stay behind due to his responsibilities as soon to be Don.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄Where stories live. Discover now