《 Author's Note》

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Salutations, fellow Wattpadians.

'Tis I, the crankiest of them all. And I bring with me a story for you to enjoy!

...okay the funky speech is over. Y'all getting the real lingo now.

Basically, I got super inspired by OpenNovellaContest and I don't want to do my homework so instead I'm writing this!

The prompts I'm using are numbers 5, 67, and 70. Prompt 70 will appear first and plays the largest role in the story, but the other prompts help the plot along.

I'll try to do updates at least once a week, but because I'm busy with school and college I might miss a few weeks. Also, I have three months to write a minimum of 20k words, so I'm not going to rush myself with this story.

Happy reading!


[Ambassadors, below is a copy of the description and is not meant to be part of my first 2k words. Thank you.]

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single person in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a spouse. Especially when that person is a twenty-three year old girl in charge of a multi-million dollar company and has no idea what she's doing.


Ashlynn Whittaker does not want to be an employer. She doesn't even want to be an employee. But after the sudden death of her parents, that's exactly what she is. She tells herself that if she can down three tequila shots without dying, she can run a company.

Except, there's a catch. To get her inheritance, she has to get married, and her great aunt has been tasked with finding the lucky guy. And it just so happens to be that her aunt's choice is Wesley Marker, a boy Ashlynn vividly remembers punching in second grade. A boy she hated, hates, and will hate for all eternity.

With an arranged marriage like this, what could possibly go wrong?

[Update 4/4/2020]

So, on some versions of Wattpad, the chapters of this book are posted out of order. Yesterday it was messed up really bad on my phone and laptop. When I tried to fix the order, it would just revert to the messed up pattern. I contacted Wattpad support yesterday and reported the problem. It looks okay now on my laptop, although it's still royally messed up on my phone, so hopefully this means they are looking into the problem. 

Anyways, I'm sharing this for the Ambassadors who are reading and evaluating this book for the Open Novella Contest. I sincerely apologize for any problems you experience. I'm doing my best to fix the problem, but there's only so much I can do. I hope this won't count against me in the scoring. If you run into issues, please contact me and I will send you a PDF version of the first 8k words. 

I also want to apologize to my other readers. I don't know how many--if any--of you are experiencing similar problems. Don't be shy to reach out and tell me if the chapters are out of order again. Thank you for your continued support! Without readers like you, writers like me would be bored out of our minds lol

Alright. That's the end of my spiel. I hope you enjoy the book! 😊 

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