《 Chapter Six 》

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While María jabbed pins in her hair and did her makeup, Ashlynn's thoughts drifted to Cassidy's brother, Dylan. Her memories of last night were hazy at best, but she could recall his face clear as day.

After all, he was kind of cute. Really cute, actually.

"Ow," she hissed when a pin poked her neck.

"You had a mischievous look on your face," María mumbled through a mouthful of bobby pins. "Whatever you're planning, chica, it won't work."

"I was just thinking of a cute guy I met at the club last night. He's Cass's older brother."

"Chica, you are about to get married." María put the last pin in place. "You should not be thinking of other men."

"I'm getting married because I have to, not because I want to."

"Chica, if you really wanted out of this situation, you would have gotten out by now. You have unfinished business with this boy, and you know it."

"And you think that I think that marrying him is the best way to fix things?"

María paused and rested her hands on Ashlynn's shoulders. "Ashlynn, sometimes we must face things that we don't want to face in situations where we can't escape. You don't want to resolve your issues with him because holding onto the anger is easier. Marrying him will force you to at least talk things out. Aunt Leah knows this; it's another reason why she selected him."

Ashlynn looked away from their reflection in the mirror. María was spot on; holding a grudge was much easier than letting one go.

"Miráme." Ashlynn fixed her eyes on María's reflection. "Chica, this is something that has been holding you back for years. That guilt and anger acts as a chain. Unless you are released from it, you will never be able to move on with your life."

Once again, she was right. But that didn't mean Ashlynn had to give her the satisfaction of being right. "Are you done, yet?"

"With your hair and makeup, yes." María held up a mirror so she could see the back. "It's similar to what your mother had, if I recall the pictures correctly..."

Ashlynn's hair was pulled back from her face into a braided bun. Tiny white ribbons were woven into the braids, giving it an innocent look. It was beautiful—although the mention of her mother was an unnecessary comment that made her want to frown.

"Now it's time for the dress!"

Ashlynn couldn't wait for this all to be over.


A traditionalist by nature—though she was coordinating a courthouse wedding, of all things—Aunt Leah insisted the Ashlynn and Wesley rode in separate vehicles, so as not to see each other before the wedding. Neither of them complained; the less they saw of each other, the less awkward this was going to be.

Wesley arrived first and, after passing through security, met with a desk clerk and informed her what he was there for. She looked at him quizzically. "Where's your partner?"

"She's, uh, on her way. Her great aunt insisted on keeping us separate until the actual ceremony. Something about bad luck."

"That is soooo cute!" the clerk gushed. "I just need to see your marriage license and an ID, and I'll check your partner's when she gets here, okay?" Wesley handed her the papers and she began reading over them. "Oh my! It seems like your license is incomplete! It hasn't been approved yet."

"That's because the judge is going to be approving it today." Aunt Leah strolled up to the counter. "Hello, Abigail."

"Leah! I'm terribly sorry for your loss, but I'd also like to congratulate you on this marriage. Unfortunately, without the judge's approval—"

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