《 Chapter Eight 》

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Friday evening came far too fast. Ashlynn spent the day at the office scrolling through movie listings, hoping that there were no action movies were showing anywhere.

Every single movie in theaters had action in it—even the new Disney princess movie. She was doomed.

Little did she know, Wesley had spent the day frantically trying to get out of the movie date, too. Although he was doing it out of self-preservation; being in the dark with Ashlynn for at least ninety-odd minutes wouldn't be good for his health. The requirements stated that her husband had to be alive for at least six months, and he would still be considered 'alive' if he was in a coma.

Five o'clock rolled around and employees started filtering out, one by one. By six, the managers were locking their doors and exchanging farewells. Eventually, the only people left in the building were Ashlynn and Wesley, neither of whom acknowledged the other.

But you can only ignore someone in the same room as you for so long, and Wesley finally broke the silence. "Have you picked a movie yet?"

Ashlynn ducked her head and pretended not to hear him.


"Ashlynn," she corrected him for the nth time. "The new Revengers movie looks good."

"Ah, I was hoping you picked that one," he chuckled, somewhat nervously. "I've been meaning to watch it, but I haven't had the chance." That was a half-truth; he wasn't looking forward to getting stuck in the dark with her for nearly three hours.

Too busy visiting your girlfriend. Ashlynn bit her tongue and started packing up her belongings.

Wesley checked his watch and loosened his tie. "If we leave now, we can catch the seven o'clock showing and have time for snacks."

"Not if you keep sitting there, we won't." She shoved the last of her files into the cabinet and picked up her purse.

In three minutes flat, the two of them had made their way out of the building and were now sitting in the back of a cab. A few minutes later and they were ordering movie tickets for 'Revengers: The Final Stage.'

"Are you two a couple?" the bubbly teenage worker asked, catching a glimpse of her rings when Ashlynn handed over her card to pay. "We're having a discount for couples today! 10% off!"

Wesley slid his arm around Ashlynn's waist and gave the girl a brilliant smile. "Actually, we're married."

"Ooh," the girl grinned. "That's so cute! Enjoy your movie!" With a wink, she passed them their tickets and led them inside the theater.

As soon as she turned her attention away from them, they jumped apart. Wesley fiddled with his jacket sleeves and Ashlynn tried not to smack him. They picked out some snacks and went to claim their seats in the theater.

It was a bit packed, but Wesley was able to snag them some good seats. Ashlynn was just happy he hadn't decided to sit behind a human giraffe. The lights dimmed and they sunk into their seats as the opening notes of the theme song rang out.


Ashlynn frantically rubbed her eyes with her sleeve as the lights illuminated the room once more. Heaven forbid she let Wesley see her crying over a movie. The funeral of Fe-man and the look on Arach-Kid's face had just about killed her. Colonel US giving Raptor the shield had killed her even more.

She had completely forgotten Wesley was there until halfway through the movie when their elbows bumped. Stupid seats were too close. Now that it was over, she desperately wanted to go home.

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