《 Chapter Ten 》

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The next few days went more smoothly than the first. Wesley and Ashlynn had fallen into a rhythm; he would take the lead on talking and she would follow. Whoever got to the room first at night got the bathroom, and Wesley would have it first in the mornings. It made things somewhat less uncomfortable, but they could only do so much to lower the levels of awkwardness when they could see that grandiose wedding picture from every spot in the bedroom.

On Wednesday evening, Jamison Whittaker and his family arrived just as Wesley and Ashlynn were getting home from work. He and his wife, Lucy, eagerly greeted the couple and congratulated them on their marriage. Their three kids instantly adopted Wesley as their uncle.

Henry, the oldest at age ten, spent the rest of the day following him around. He almost followed Wesley all the way to bed, but Jamison carried him away and sent a very suggestive wink towards Wesley.

"You could have some of your own, you know," he called over his shoulder as he descended the stairs.

Wesley pretended he hadn't heard and kept walking.

"I'm surprised the kids like you so much," Ashlynn said when he entered the bedroom.

"Gee, thanks." He loosened his tie and pulled it over his head.

"I'm serious! It took them weeks to warm up to Hana and Cassidy—back when Jamison still lived here—and even longer for them to warm up to—" her voiced dropped abruptly.

Wesley glanced at her curiously. "To...?"

"No one."

Even though he wanted to know whose name she had been about to say, the look on her face said she didn't want to talk about it. He held his tongue and respected her privacy, for which she was silently grateful.

Grabbing a shirt and shorts, Wesley went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Ashlynn burrowed down under the covers of the bed and sent goodnight messages to the girls.

She set her phone on the nightstand as Wesley walked out of the bathroom and fixed her with a look. "What?"

"Tomorrow...we have to really act like a bonified couple," he stated bluntly. More gently, he added, "Will you be okay with that?"

She was surprised and a little impressed that he was checking with her first. "No, but yes. I mean, it's weird..."

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it. That, and I don't like the idea of you decking me in front of the family because I touch you," he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I signed up for this, weirdness and all. Besides, we're almost done with the first two months."

"We only started fixing things last week, Ash. And, with the holidays, it's going to get a lot harder."

"Just shut up and come to bed."

Wesley arched his eyebrow at her.

Ashlynn felt the heat rising up her neck. "Wait—"

"I know we have to fool them and all—"

"That's not—"

"Calm down," he laughed, a genuine laugh that did anything but make her calm down. "I know what you mean."

She still threw a pillow at him, just for good measure.

It smacked him right in the face and landed in his hands. She was really hoping it would've wiped that stupid grin off his face, but if anything, it plastered it on for longer.

Wesley tossed the pillow onto a chair and slipped under the covers. At Ashlynn's confused look, he explained himself. "Aunt Leah said they aren't afraid to snoop, right? If they see you snuggling with a pillow instead of your wonderfully suspicious husband, what do you think they'll make of it?"

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