《 Chapter Four 》

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At that, Ashlynn snapped. "You?!"

Wesley Marker looked at her, confused. "Me?"

"Why are you here?" She shot to her feet, the world spinning for a few seconds as she did. Turning to her aunt, she exclaimed, "Is this some kind of sick joke?"

Aunt Leah looked at her niece firmly. "Sit down, Ashlynn."

"Why did you bring him here? You know I never wanted him to set foot in this house again!" Ashlynn then directed her fierce gaze to him. "Why are you looking at me like that?! Don't you remember what you did?"

"Dearie," Aunt Leah rested her hand on Ashlynn's shoulder, "please calm down."

"No! I don't want this man in my house! Don't act like you don't remember what he did to us!"

"We were eight—" Wesley started.

"You," Ashlynn pointed at him, "don't get to say anything."

"Ashlynn, it was an accident."

"He's the reason Eric is dead!"

Silence filled the room. The rest of the men simply stared at the trio in shock. A day that started as an episode of the Bachelorette was quickly turning into an episode of 48-hours. Maybe marrying into this family wasn't the best idea. The four men seemed to have the same thought and, after quickly glancing at one another, decided to leave. They all stood and apologized profusely, making false claims that something urgent just came up and they needed to leave immediately. Without even waiting for a response from Aunt Leah or Ashlynn, they filed out of the room and disappeared into the corridor.

Ashlynn watched them go, a little embarrassed by her sudden outburst. She chided herself immediately for feeling so. I wanted them gone, and now they're gone. But he's not.

Much to her dismay, Wesley Marker was still sitting on the couch a few feet in front of her. His face was clouded in an emotion she couldn't make out. She hoped it was regret.

Aunt Leah sighed, breaking the silence that had once again fallen over the room. "This was not how today was supposed to go. Ashlynn, my dear, please sit down and stop making a fool of yourself."

Her headache having worsened with all the shouting, Ashlynn conceded without a fight. She agreed; today was most definitely not supposed to go this way. Gently, Ashlynn asked her aunt the question she had posed before. "What is he doing here?"

"Mr. Marker is here at my request. I sought him out for many reasons, one of which is because I believe he is your most suitable partner. Let me finish," Aunt Leah held up her hand as Ashlynn's mouth opened in protest. "I know you blame him for the death of your brother, although he is no more to blame than you or me. What happened was an accident, and it's time you came to terms with it. In addition to this, Mr. Marker just graduated with a Master's in Business and will be able to help you manage the company. You have no experience in that area at all—the longest job you've held was barely over a year and was in retail. Thus, your partner must be well versed in this area to make up for your incompetence. Finally," she paused for effect, "he's cute."

Wesley flushed slightly at that, which would've been cute if he wasn't Wesley. "Look, Ash—"


"—Ashlynn. I'm not over the moon about this either. I've got a girlfriend, and a job. But I owe you, and I can't leave things the way that they are any longer. Take this as an apology, a token of goodwill, whatever. But, considering the fact that you just scared off all the other candidates, I'd say you don't have much choice in this anymore."

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