《 Chapter Eleven 》

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Wesley knew it was going to be a long day, he just didn't realize how long. Breakfast had lasted over an hour, and the family spent most of it interrogating Wesley. Any questions about him and Ashlynn were answered with the responses Aunt Leah had drilled into him. Favorite color? Mint green. Favorite food? Crab linguini from Red Lobster. Birthday? March 12th.

Once the family decided that he was an alright guy, the group moved into the living room. They crashed on the couches that encircled the TV, with Jamison flipping through channels to find a football game.

Naturally, Ashlynn and Wesley had to sit together on a couch. He sat on one end and she sat in front of him, her back leaning against his chest and his hands resting at her sides. His breath tickled her ear, and it was so distracting that Ashlynn end up missing nearly all the big plays.

Salvation came in the form of two-year-old Mason, Jamison and Lucy's youngest, who toddled over to Ashlynn. He tugged her sleeve to get her attention and babbled something about blocks. Apparently, they were his new favorite toy, and his parents had brought along a box of them to keep him entertained.

Ashlynn didn't even hesitate in jumping off of Wesley's lap to join her 'nephew' on the floor. Mason gave her a toothy grin, which melted her heart, and together they started building a house for his stuffed dog. Progress was slow; she had to rearrange his blocks when he wasn't looking to keep the structure from falling over.

Mason lost interest halfway through the project and, with his doggy in hand, planted himself on Ashlynn's lap. She ruffled his hair, her heart melting once more at his adorable giggles, and turned her attention back to the game. Had she looked back down, she would've seen the incredible, triumphant grin he was sending Wesley.

Henry, who had occupied Ashlynn's spot next to Wesley, elbowed him in the stomach and pointed to Mason. "I don't think he likes you. You stole Aunt Lynn from him."

"Well," Wesley chuckled, "he's going to have to get used to it. She's mine now." He grinned even more at the rosy tint that spread over Ashlynn's ears. Expecting some witty retort, he kept his eyes on her, but she held her tongue.

"That's gross!" David, the seven-year-old middle child, stuck his tongue out. "I'm never getting married, because girls have cooties!"

"Smart kid," Jamison commented and sipped his tea. Ashlynn and Lucy shared a look before rolling their eyes in unison.

The kids cheered wildly as one of the football teams scored a touchdown. Ashlynn turned and looked at David. "Weren't you just cheering for the other team?"

"Yeah, but they're losing now," David said matter-of-factly.

"He only likes the winning teams, so that's who he cheers for," Lucy explained with a sigh. Glancing at the clock on the wall, she began untangling herself from Jamison's arms. "We should probably go and get started on those pies if we want them to be done in time."

Ashlynn hummed in acknowledgement. She pinched Mason's cheek one last time before wiggling out from under him. His pouting face made her question whether pie was really worth leaving, and after a moment's hesitation, she left to join Lucy and María in the kitchen.

Wesley stiffened when she brushed her fingers along his shoulder as she passed. He forced a smile and watched her exit the room. Jamison's gaze was so intense he could feel the hole being burned right through him, but he acted casual and turned his attention back to the game.

As soon as she walked into the kitchen, Lucy was at her side with a sly grin on her face. "So..."

"So...?" Ashlynn slipped past her to get pans out for the pies.

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