《 Chapter Fourteen 》

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Dylan drove. Ashlynn tried to convince him she could take a cab, but he took one look at how pale she was and was pulling out of the parking lot less than a minute later.

They didn't speak on the way to the hospital. She was in shock, and there was a tension between them that hadn't been there before. Dylan cast worried glances at her. Lights flew past as they made their way through town, but Ashlynn didn't see any of it.

Coldness seeped into her bones. She couldn't go down this road.

Not again.

"—lynn," a voice cut through her thoughts. Hands gently shook her shoulders. "Ashlynn."

Everything shifted back into focus in a swirl of colors. She blinked and inhaled sharply, meeting Dylan's green eyes.

"We're here."

They climbed out of the car and made their way into the ER. Ashlynn's legs felt like jello. She walked over to the counter. "I'm Ashlynn Marker, here to see—"

The nurse shoved a clipboard at her and then pointed to a waiting area. Ashlynn looked at her, miffed, but saw the earpiece she was wearing. They signed the papers and took a seat.

Dylan sent a message to Hana and Cassidy, informing them about what was going on. "Cass says they need to sober up first. They'll be here in a few hours."

Ashlynn nodded in response, resting her forehead on the palms of her hands. She traced the patterns of the floor tiles while her mind tried to wrap itself around what was happening.

"Are you Ashlynn Marker?" A nurse came up to them. "May I sit next to you?" Ashlynn assented and the man sat next to her. "Your family member is currently in surgery. Once the procedure is over, they'll be moved into the ICU. They got banged up pretty bad, but we expect they'll pull through. Do you have any questions for me?"

"How..." Ashlynn cleared her throat. "How did it happen?"

"I'm not entirely sure, Mrs. Marker. A police officer will be here shortly to go over the details of the accident with you. The surgery is going to last at least another hour. We have vending machines down the hall, and our canteen is open until midnight. If you need anything else, just let me know, alright?"

"Thank you..." The nurse got up and left Dylan and Ashlynn alone in the seating area.

Dylan tentatively rested his hand on her back. "Do you want me to get you something to eat? You skipped dinner, didn't you?"

"Thanks, but I don't think I could stomach anything right now."

"Ashlynn!" María jogged over to Ashlynn and sat next to her. "Are you alright, chica?"

"No." She blinked rapidly as her vision grew blurry. A tear slid down her cheek. "María, it's happening again—"

"Shh..." María enveloped her in a hug. "It will be okay, you will see."

Ashlynn gripped the back of the Latina's shirt tighter. Whenever her world was falling apart, María was always her rock. Her gentle, motherly embrace had soothed her during the worst times. It was the only way she had gotten past Eric's death, and the only way she kept from shedding a tear at the funeral for her parents. She could only hope that this accident didn't have the same results.

María held her for what felt like hours before her tears dried. Sniffling, Ashlynn pulled away and wiped her nose on a tissue María offered her. She squeezed her hand, sending the thanks she could not put into words.

"I should...I should leave now." Dylan cleared his throat and rose to his feet. Ashlynn looked at him in surprise, and he had to avert his gaze. Her wide, glassy eyes pierced his heart, and as much as it hurt, he knew he was no longer needed here. "Let me know how it goes, yeah?"

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