; five

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it's been a week since you left him in the cafe, and you never thought it would've resulted to such an argument.

after you left, you obviously got not texts from him since all his attention would be on chae eun, a while later, you thought he would probably text you, maybe blaming you for leaving him alone.

but he didn't.

instead, he's been hanging out with his friends, according to his instagram stories.

usually arguments between the both of you would never end up like this, because you always made the first move to apologise. you always gave in.

but now? you turly didn't care. if he's already treating you like this before even dating chae eun, then there's not much to expect when he actually dates her.

so what's the point?


it was time for school, you obviously knew you would more or less be alone the whole day since jungkook ignoring you.

but you kept your head high and walked into school like it was any other normal day,


you saw what was possibly your wost nightmare.

you never expected yourself to see it happen this quick,

chae eun and jungkook walking to school together,

hand in hand.

you watched as they held each others' hands chatting happily, then they separated and he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

you tried your hardest not to break down, you've been dreaming of being in that position for a million years, but it never happened. and instead, you had to watch someone else, someone better take that spot.

you knew this would come, you just never knew it would come this quick.

taking in deep breaths, you hesitated, thinking between whether to just skip school or not.

you were ready to break down and cry your eyes out, but since you were in public, you kept it in.

you slowly took a few steps back and decided to head home instead.

you faced the other side and started brisk walking back home,

once you were relatively further away from school and there were lesser people, you slowed down and started to break down.

the scene continuously repeated in your head, you were ready to give him up, but why were you like this?

you walked towards a nearby bench and took a seat.

your tears were uncontrollable at this point.

to keep yourself quiet, you tried your best to shut your quivering lips, letting out whimpers.


he finally did it.

he finally asked his crush out.

and she accepted him.

today was their first day as a couple, both jungkook and chae eun walked to school, hand in hand.

he was nervous, but excited at the same time.

"i have to go for english." chae eun said to jungkook, indicating that it's time to separate.

he didn't want to let her go, but did.

should i? or should i not? he asked himself internally.

screw it.

and he kissed her on the cheek.

to avoid letting chae eun see his blush, he gave her a quick smile and walked away.

it was time for math, and it was usually enjoyable since it was with you.

but he knew it was going to be different since he's been ignoring you the past week.

the both of you literally cut all forma of contact with each other, he felt wierd and empty.

not gonna lie though, he missed you. he missed his best friend.

he really wanted you to be there with him when he finally asked chae eun out.

he wanted to let out every emotion he could possible let out to you, happiness, insecurities, everything.

but, he chose to ignore you, he did several times thought that maybe he was too much and wanted to apologise, but his ego stopped him.

he walked to math and sat down, all alone.

however, he couldn't hold his emotions back anymore and really needed someone to talk to, so he was planning on apologising.

five minutes passed, usually you'd be pretty early and waiting for him.

ten minutes passed, you were seldom ever late so it was getting wierd.

thirty minutes passed and you were still not here.

jungkook couldn't focus because he was too busy looking at the clock.

you would never be this late unless you're not even coming.

he started getting a little worried, he figured you were most probably sick and debated whether he wanted to visit you or not.

soon, the lessons passed and it was finally the end of school.

jungkook decided he'd pay you a short visit just to make sure you were okay, as he was walking out, he spotted chae eun by her locker.

as soon as she saw him, she gave him a big smile and walked towards him.

"hey you free? can we go out for lunch?" she asked.

he thought about it, he really wanted to visit you, but he also wanted to soend time with chae eun.

"umm, i'd love to...."


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