author's note

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not a chapter, but i just thought i'd say a few things.

i hope everyone's feeling good, i hope everyone's healthy especially with the recent virus outbreak.

please remember to drink lots of water, and always try to watch out for your own personal hygiene, try to stay away from big crowds as well!

where you're staying may not have the virus but it's always good to take some precautions!!

to those who's country do experience this virus, i hope all is well. i'm sure all will be over soon so hang in there!

i hope everyone's happy!

if you're currently going through a hard time, it will all be over and please remember that you're loved and wanted.

if you do need anyone to talk to please feel free to talk to me or anyone, sometimes it's easier to get out these feelings to people you barely know :)

i don't update very often and i definitely don't thank y'all enough but from the bottom of my heart, i really am very thankful for everyone if you who's reading and commenting.

it may not be alot but it's still really shocking to see people who aren't me who are reading a book that i'm writing.

thank you so so so much for your support!! 💕

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