HC: First Dates With Chubby Youtubers

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A/n: I'll might make a part two to this with different youtubers if anyone wanted to see it :)

. This man may act and sound confident but when he was planning his first date with you he was a nervous tiny fluff ball.
. Being torn between being fancy or something small but romantic.
. Eventually Mark willingly kidnaps you away from Chica, blindfolding you and drives you away in his van.
. So many jokes!
. Commenting that Mark probably has a sex dungeon and nearly made Mark collide into a another car as he laughed uncontrollably.
. Eventually Mark leading you to the spot where you could smell the fresh air, when the blindfolds comes off you see that you at the beach and the youtuber has set up a nice romantic picnic with the sun beautifully setting across the horizon.
. Super romantic gentleman Mark.
. Mark happily asking questions wanting to know more about you, your hobbies etc while eating the basketful of sandwiches along with brownies.
. You calling Mark a Soft chubby Angel due to the fact the orange glow beaming on him he looks like a angel.
. When it starts to get late and you shivering slightly you lean against Mark for warmth, placing your head on his soft plump chest and gently placing your hand on his rotund, tubby belly.
. You both feeling happy and lucky to have each other!
. The day ends with Mark kissing you on the cheek and picking you up and carried you back to the van and took you back to his home because you fell asleep and he didn't have the heart to wake you up.
. Mark fell a little bit more in love with you as you sleep adorably.

. Sean was a hyperactive leprechaun all week as he planned out a perfect first date with you and couldn't sit still and some of his friends teasing him.
. Sean is quite the affectionate cute bean and greeting you at your place handing you a dozen flowers and a empty box of chocolates.
. The Irishman was quite nervous and hyper and couldn't help himself and ate all the chocolates.
. Laughing softly shaking your head amusingly you gently place your hands on his plush love handles and softly kiss him on the lips.
. Sean would not let you walk to the destination and giving you a piggyback ride and running down where the carnival is.
. Obviously you don't talk much but you happily listen to Sean talking about anything and you listening intently.
. Arriving at the carnival Sean is determined to make you laugh and smile as he went to different booths playing different games and being silly.
. Very hyperactive man child he is!
. Every once and a while you couldn't help but admire his body from how his PMA shirt clung tightly showing his doughy, plump beerbelly or his jeans cut deeply around his hips clearly showing off his softer bubble butt.
. Cause Sean is the bosses of boss in the universe he'd somehow wins two big Teddy bears giving them to you.
. And in return you spoil him going around the carnival and buying many, many foods from hotdogs, burgers, cotten candy etc.
. Sean being so happy eating everything leaving his shirts riding up showing a bit of soft pale pudgy belly as his stomach bloats outwards getting bigger.
. First kiss happened on the ferris wheel and once at the top Sean pulled you close and kissed you sweetly yet passionately.
. Let's just say you weren't gonna forget about your first date with Sean and had many, many more dates with him.

. Robin the sweet cute man honestly forgot to set a reservation at a restaurant and panicking because he felt like he'd ruined his chance to impress you.
. But he'd didn't give up and when he came to pick you up he held your hand with a bright yet nervous smile on his face and walked to the place he planned on taking you.
. You both easily talking back and forth getting into easy conversation both of you not realising you arrived at the destination which was a ice cream parlour.
. Robin trying to apologise saying he knows it isn't much romantic but you quickly silenced him by being the first one to kiss him on the lips hands immediately landed on his protruding chunky gut rubbing soft circles into it.
. "This is lovely Robin! Thank you! Now let's get and fill up on ice cream" You honestly didn't care where the date was you only cared about spending time with the Swedish male.
. And like you said you both ate alot ice cream... Mostly Robin ate as you knew he probably felt nervous and you wanted to spoil him.
. Ending up spending three hours there before leaving and you could tell Robin was having so much fun and you walked him home.
. Along the way you wrapped an arm around his plump waist landing landing on his bloated, pudgy midsection and cuddled into his side.
. You could listen to Robin talk for hours as you thought he has an angelic, beautiful voice.
. Date didn't end as Robin invited you in and you both watched a movie where you both fell asleep your head resting on his chest.

Chubby Youtubers/Ego's Oneshot, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now