Some Drunk Chubby Antisepticeye Headcanons

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. Believe it or not but Anti doesn't like getting drunk he knows from observing many stupid drunken humans that alcohol changes people and Anti likes being in control.
. Also the alcohol blocks his glitchy but causes it go into overdrive which causes him to gain weight suddenly and rapidly, Anti did that in the past once and it took a whole year and a half to loose all the weight.
. At that point in his life Anti didn't want to gain more weight knowing that his shirts clung to his small pudgy belly that was the size of a football showing the soft curve.
. Why was Anti gaining weight? The Septic egos decided to give Anti more attention which Anti loved but also meant everyone pushed/shoved more food towards him.
. Anti really did appreciate that the other egos started to accept him in their little group and took their time out of their day to see/hang out with him.
. Everyone knew Anti's birthday was coming up so they secretly organised a birthday party with balloons, tons of sugary unhealthy snacks that Anti loves, gifts and of course alcohol.
. Anti was completely gobsmacked seeing a banner with happy birthday written on it with the egos shouting happy birthday, nobody ever celebrated his birthday before and Anti's eyes got a bit watery as he thanked them giving them all a rare hug!
. In his excitement Anti completely forgotten about his little weird alcohol problem and completely unaware there was only alcohol in the party.
. During the party Anti happily sipping the strange soda never questioning the taste of it as he occupied talking to his friends or having a slice of cake.
. Due to his strange reaction of gaining weight from drinking alcohol Anti can easily become drunk far more easily.
. While feeling a slight buzzing feeling becoming tipsy Anti's body started to fatten up gradually his tiny pudgy pot belly expanded under his black shirt as it slowly rode up revealing the demon's hairy pale gut, his jeans tightly squeezed his thickening thighs and widening butt.
. Of course every single Septic noticed the whole room falling silent watching their demonic friend's body softening up.
. "Yo.. Dude.. You.. Gaining weight" Chase spoke up hesitantly not sure how Anti would take the news.
. Due to hin feeling buzzed and getting drunk Anti admitted what was happening saying it was the alcohol as he laughed drunkingly dancing wildly around the room.
. His body continues to plump up rapidly just from having one cup of beer his cheeks puffing up turning into two chubby cheeks under his beard along with a permanent double chin, lean slim chest bulging outwards getting pudgier as his Pecs sat on his stomach.
. Giggling and slurring his speech Anti goes around the room kissing all the egos passionately on the lips (Except for Robbie) and gives the sweet zombie a soft hug refusing to let Robbie go.
. Eventually it ends with his jeans button popping off, his huge tubby beerbelly sitting/covering half of his lap out in the open for everyone to see and his shirt acting as a bra tightly covering his plump moobs.
. Anti becomes quite opposite when drunk he's very emotional, touchy, giving praise and flirty.
. "Hic.. You know Robster.. Hic! I'm very proud of you!" Anti says cradling Robbie against his warm soft body kissing the top of the zombies head, Robbie giggling and smiling brightly hid his face in his friends comfy chest his hands kneading the exposed hefty gut.
. Literally would randomly plonk his chunky butt on the egos laps smiling dopey and whine for belly rubs and purr joyfully as he gets them.
. Drunk Anti wants to sleep with all of them except for Robbie he just wants to cuddle, praise the zombie.
. "Hey! Hic! Chase.. You very handsome.. Got.. Kissable lips" Anti slurred out before surprising Chase by kissing him straight on the lips, poor Chase not knowing what to do just places his hands on the demon's love handles eventually kissing back.
. No one expected this outcome but they all certainly find this pretty amusing!
. Everyone loving drunk chubby Anti and who knows they might get him to drink more alcohol when Anti is sober once more.

Chubby Youtubers/Ego's Oneshot, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now