The Midnight thief

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A/n: Requested by TheQueenEmo

For the past two months in the sides house there has been a string of horrendous stealing going on someone had been obviously eating all of Patton's different flavours of cookies he worked on for everyone and Logan's crofters who the logical side specifically left a note on them telling no one to remotely touch or eat them, every morning both sides would find out that during the darkened hours of the night their precious foods have been eaten leaving nothing but a few crumbs and empty jars with a spoon. Understandably both sides got quite upset about the ordeal but having no proof at all they couldn't do much about it except trying to hide the cookies and crofters hoping the thief wouldn't be able to find them but every night the mysterious food thief would strike eating everything forcing both Patton and Logan to replace their supplies every day. Being the logical side Logan decided to do some investigation sneaking though the other sides bedroom trying to find any clue who was the food thief but to his undying disappointment all he found was tons of dark coloured makeup in Virgil's bedroom, a large pile of questionable condoms and lube in Roman's room making Logan turn a deep shade of red and bolted out of his room, after a while of finding nothing the brunette started to lose hope in finding the thief planning on just hiding his precious crofters in his bedroom until the dad of the sides Patton came to him one day asking him if he noticed a change in Virgil's appearance.

After that brief conversation with Patton Logan mentally facepalmed not noticing it sooner his chocolate brown eyes looking over every small detail of the shorter purple hair side taking note the way Virgil's pale cheeks looked squishier rounder with a hint of a tiny double chin, his usual favourite baggy purple that draped down near his legs now appeared wrapped snugly around his bulging basketball doughy gut showing the logical side the roundness of it or how the man's black jeans looking even more tighter around Virgil's soft waist trying to contain his wider chunkier butt. Yet as Logan observed Virgil, he noted that the man has indeed been eating a little more than usual but it wasn't enough to cause this quick large amount of weight gain his suspicion rose greatly thinking it was Virgil who was the food thief.

The next day just as the warm fiery ball sun was slowly raising above the horizon casting away the previous night shadow away Logan got up exceptionally early knowing Patton would already be awake and, in the kitchen, dressing up in his usual black button up shirt with the light blue tie Logan grabbed his glasses placing them on his face before leaving his bedroom. Feet lightly patting against the cool smooth surface of the wooden floor Logan headed down the pristine clean corridor that Patton worked hard keeping the whole house fairly clean, taking a step inside the kitchen the logical side found Patton standing in front of the stove just began to cook breakfast flipping over a pancake but hearing footsteps he'd turned his head his smile widening seeing Logan.

"Good morning Lo! How did you sleep? And did you sleep at your desk again?" Patton cheerfully said raising his eyebrows slightly asking each question but his never wavered giving off a welcoming vibe.

"I slept perfectly well Patton! And for once I did not sleep at my desk, I know you worry about my posture if I sleep at my desk" Logan replied pushing up his glasses before glancing behind him making sure no one was there.

"Thank you Lo.. Are you okay? You acting weirder than usual" Patton pointed out taking the pan off the ring to give the logical side his full attention his concern definitely risen as he never saw Logan acting like this before.

"I think I might.. No! I wholly know who's been stealing our food! It's Virgil he's been gaining weight and sure he's been eating a little more around us but not enough to cause this quite quickly" Logan listed off his observations he saw about Virgil towards Patton who patiently nodded his head showing he was listening to the side.

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