Some Chubby Roman Headcanons

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A/n: Requested by Narwhaliantune

. Roman the Prince, the creative side of Thomas always went on grand adventures from slaying dragons to protecting citizens.
. Whenever he wasn't on his one of many exciting adventures he was hanging out with the other sides or helping Thomas to create new video ideas.
. Recently he's been going on less and less adventures seeing that Thomas needed him more and staying with the sides more.
. Hours spend over the table scribbling down ideas that could help Thomas while snacking on Patton's highly rich, sweet cookies or one of many desserts the morality side would bake then leave around the kitchen.
. Patton was ecstatic seeing Roman was spending more time with them and pulling the Prince into the kitchen forcing him to be a taste tester, Roman trying to decline but it was already too late as Patton already started to shove his new bakery pastries into Roman's mouth.
. During movie nights which is nearly every single night Roman would always put on at least three Disney movies covering the whole table with snacks and happily get lost in the world of movies and majority eat the snacks.
. Logan warning Roman that the way he keeps on eating and doing hardly any exercises he's going to start gaining weight but the Prince shrugs the warning telling him that its impossible.
. In a short matter of weeks Roman easily starts to gain weight his stomach ballooning outwards pushing against his purposely tight brightly white shirts that suppose to show off his abs now showing his increasingly pudgy curve of his beerbelly, his Pecs swelling and softening, pants pinching his widening waist.
. Roman is completely oblivious about his weight gain and his body too busy coming up with ideas and also trying to be helpful to the other sides.
. Roman in the past may have been a jerk to Virgil but now the Prince takes him on some of his adventures but those ones more about growth, confidence and self accepting quests!
. The bigger Roman seems to get the more ideas he seems to get and also starts to be more calmer.
. Remus lerking in the shadows a sinister evil grin plastered on his face seeing the once fit noble Prince now becoming a softer calmer version.
. Seeing how Roman loves to snack Remus plans to "help" the creative side.
. Every night when Roman is fast asleep Remus would sneak in with a whole tub of ice cream and force the Prince to chug it down while he sleeps leaving him more stuffed and bloated.
. His constant snacking along with Patton making him taste test with Remus feeding him in his sleep, Roman rapidly gains weight which leads to some hilarious situations.
. During one of Patton's taste test his favourite belt covered in little gems creaked and burst off loudly sending his huge tubby gut wobbling, Patton being the sweet caring side tells him he looks positively adorable.
. Or on one of those quests with Virgil showing the anxious side that he's not the bad guy Roman was bending down to pick something up and his pants split open in the middle of his chunky butt.
. Roman never sees how his clothes are tight on him and never upgrading his wardrobe so he always leaving his belly hanging out his shirt acting as a bra covering his soft plump moobs, or now he's resort to only wearing sweatpants that fit around his wide hips.
. Remus plan backfired as he wanted to make Roman feel unloved and isolated but seeing that the Prince and Virgil became good close friends or that Virgil and Patton seemingly traps Roman in the middle cuddling him during movie nights.
. Logan observed Roman closely taking down notes seeing how big of an positive impact seeing the creative side now is being larger and softer, also noticing Thomas been way more creative now.
. Logan couldn't help but think what will happen if Virgil and Patton gained weight.
. Would Virgil be more calmer leading Thomas to be less panicky, would Patton's naturally bright caring nature be bigger leading Thomas to be more affectionate?
. Logan had so many questions but one thing he knows for certain he had to experiment with the other sides.
. One time Remus tried to fight Roman the Prince immediately knocked him down using his stomach and trapped him for a good five minutes sitting on the man's lap.

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