Chapter One

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Kamiko's Pov
The booming voice of my father's voice filled the castle walls like nothing new. Here I sat sitting on the throne near my father and mother who were both the king and queen of this land.

They called me the princess of the stars. What a huge title. Here I sat in my throne chair with a tight dress that was making it so hard to breathe with this damn corset. A look of uncomfortable and unease flashed across my face.

I slowly sat up a bit when my mom smacked me in the arm glaring at me to sit straight up in my seat. I sent her a small glare but sighed quietly, feeling her messing around with my large hair.

These kingdoms' meetings always took so long. Nothing interesting ever happened. I could be writing poems. Or even better watching those cool ninjas pass through the kingdom roads and streets. I bet their jobs are way more fun than my own.

"Okay as of in less then a month, the princess will be betrothed and married." My eyes quickly flew open so fast. That single line caught my attention, my jaw-dropping.

The cheering of our people was so loud. Even my mom looked quite proud. Marriage? Like an actual husband I thought.

"Are you crazy?!" I quickly shouted standing up off my throne with a rough set up. There were loud gasps escaping from everyone.

"Kamiko sit at once." My father ordered. "No, I am not a little girl I am twenty-one years old. You can't choose who I marry." I shot my mother and father a glare.

"Kamiko stop acting like a child." My mother scowled at me "So unladylike." I was fuming. They never listen to me not one bit. They also do things for me but not this time.

"Not this time you guys don't get to do this." I held the ends up the threaded dress rushing down the stairs ignoring their loud cries, and loud voices. I rushed away from the throne room, throwing my ugly heels off in the process.

I jogged to my room. Sprinting into my room. I was quick to shut my bedroom door fast in the guard's faces since they were running after me screaming loudly, banging on the door.

I had to act quickly, looking around the room. I was able to quickly untie the corset tossing it across the room I ripped the edges of the dress to let me run more easier. And looked around the room.

I scooped up a backpack  I had memories running through my head remembering just who gave it to me. I shook the thought away and stuffed some money in it that I had in a small panda bag, I shoved some clothes in the bag that weren't all dresses.

A few shoes, looking up at the door the banging was even louder. With one small motion, I tore my crown off my head and held it in my palm before I shut my eyes and placed it inside the backpack, zipping it up.

I looked around my dreaded room once last time before I threw open the large windows. It wasn't too far off a jump down, and there was already a rope tied out the window.

I carefully climbed out the window, shutting it behind me, and I started sliding down the rope fast. To say it wasn't a little scary, it really was. The wind was rushing past me. And before I knew it.

My bare feet were landing on the grass in the garden. I blinked my round eyes a few times before I looked up just to see how high it was. My heart beating fast.

I just did that. I cracked a small smile before focusing my attention shaking my head fast. There's no time I have to leave now. I gripped my backpack deeply. Before I swiftly ran through the garden and the red roses.

Pass the large pond, and using my small sneaking skills. I pass the bridge guards towards the entrance of the castle. I felt a little at ease and at peace.

I took one last glance behind me. My eyes were soft as I spoke out into the air "Maybe you'd be proud of me if you were here Kakashi." I whispered the name sending the strange hurt that I hadn't felt for years.

I shook my head roughly to get his face and his name out my head and I started speed walking away from the castle my home, walking across the bridge into the town, hoping to get far.

Where? I had not a clue but anywhere but here were my thoughts while I kept my sad eyes on my bare feet some more the dress swaying with the wind.

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