Chapter Two

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Kakashi's Pov
"Oh man look at how huge this place is! They must be loaded." I briefly glanced up from my reading watching Naruto looking around in amazement at the kingdom we had entered in the land far away. He was always energetic no matter what. Tsunade seemed really anxious about this mission I wonder why she gave it to them.

I slowly slipped the small book back into my pocket before I shoved my hands inside my pant pockets. I scanned my eyes around. Wait I've been here before. A long time ago?

"It seems peaceful they have a lot of shops." Sai brightly muttered scanning his eyes around as well. "Sensei what even is this mission." Sakura questioned.

I slowly cleared my throat to get rid of the strange lump, before focusing on the three teens who were now looking at me focused awaiting my answer.

"Runaway Princess, the king and queen are ordering us to bring her back for her arrange marriage." I answered the three curious and long awaited shoving my hands deeper inside my pocket. I still couldn't shake the feeling away. I've been here.

"Alright another princess!"

Kamiko's Pov
The first few days were a little hard, but slowly I adjusted to the outdoors in the forest very quickly in the outskirts of the kingdom. I haven't felt this free since I was
a little kid the first time I met Kakashi.

He was a little older then me. I was fourteen and he was  seventeen.  He was sent on a mission here and, and well we clicked. He gave me light back rides, always making me laugh. I spent more time with him then with doing my princess duties at the time.

He was just amazing until he had to leave and never came back again.  I know we shared such a strange love in such a short of a small year of him being here back then. I was sunbathing on one of the rocks after a swim in just my bra and panties sighing.

"I hate that you are still in my dreams." I whispered quietly. I sighed but I perked up when I heard movement above me.

"Naruto, Sai! Now move." I blinked before I quickly shot up just in time to watch a blonde hair boy no older then sixteen quickly dive out from the bushes grabbing me in mid air holding me bridal style.

"Ha! I got her hello!" I was looking in shock at the whiskers on the kid before quickly letting a small sigh out.

"So they sent Ninjas to find me already. Great what a drag." I muttered the boy still was holding me in his arms before he landed on the land.

"Well that was more easy then it should have been." I slowly slipped from the boys arms.  He finally noticed I was just in my bra and panties and blushed brightly looking away.

"Where's your Sensei! Hurry up I don't have all day!" I shouted out in the air not having time for the games or anything. "My my you haven't changed at all Kamiko, you are still as loud as ever." A fast chill went through my body hearing the monotone voice I only could hear from my dreams.

I quickly bolted as fast I could before I was picked up from behind the arms wrapping around me. I started freaking out fighting against his arms.

"Kakashi Hatake let me go right now!" I wiggled around in his arms "Kamiko calm down right now I'm not gonna hurt you, you know that." My energy felt drained so I just slowly relaxed glaring at the ground heavily pouting like a child.

He always treated me like a little girl. "You done?" I slowly nodded my head lifting my head up to gaze into Kakashi's one eye. He looked amazing and he didn't change all that much.

"Why are you here?" I whispered sounding so defeated. Kakashi let a small hm out before keeping his arms around me lifting me up even more in his hold.

"Your father has ordered me to bring you back to the palace in one piece, looks like now your a runaway princess." I let a loud laugh out at his pun and hummed feeling him place something over me to cover up my wet body and exposed skin.

"That was a bad pun." I chuckled quietly before looking at the three teens, and then back at Kakashi before elbowing him in the stomach making him quickly grab my arm holding it deeply.

"Nice seeing you too Kamiko, now let's get you back home."

"I'm not going back."

"Stop being stubborn and selfish! I wanna go home."

"Shut up you freaking brat!"

"I'm not a brat, you damn idiot."

"Now now Naruto calm down."

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