Chapter Five

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Kamiko's Pov
"You do know what you got yourself into right?"

"Yeah I'm not stupid, I just saved your life, do you even know the hidden village's marriage rules." I puffed out a small sigh laying on my side in my bed, I kept my eyes watching Kakashi read from his book his back resting on the wall. With the new marriage plan out in the open.

Kakashi and his team were staying for a few more weeks for the whole process of the marriage. I still didn't quite understand what Kakashi was playing at, but he was smart.

"No do enlighten me Kakashi," I muttered watching the orange hue of the sky fade to a pitch-black sky with stars. The small snap of the little book filled my ears before I paid attention to Kakashi again.

"Whenever someone outside of the village, marries someone inside the village they are required to move regardless of their status, it is tradition, plus I still love you so will be okay." It took me a couple of minutes to process it before I groaned laying my head back down on the pillows.

"Wow... I forgot how smart you are Kakashi." I laughed silently.

"Shut up Kamiko I've always been smart, now go to sleep." I kept snickering to myself and I squeak when he threw his book at me resulting in me throwing it right back at him hitting him in the head quite hard. Yeah, I was sort of ready for this.

"Wow! I've always to be a princess it's so elegant and beautiful looking." The little snort pushed passed my lips when I took a glance at Sakura who was basically having heart eyes at everything in sight in the kingdom.

I thought they didn't need to spend their entire time here indoors so why not explore the kingdom and show them around. "Princess life is boring Sakura all I do is sit through meetings and I'm forced to wear these ugly dresses." I gestured with my one hand motion to the dark pink dress I was wearing.

"But the food is amazing thank you Kamiko." I ruffled Naruto's hair up a bit seeing how stuffed his cheeks were with food "Yeah you are welcome." I told him, Sai had his head in a new book I had bought him but he then spoke calmly.

"Where's Kakashi Sensei?" I then snapped my head around the little crowd and mentally groaned placing my hands on my head "Of course he would be the one to get lost." I stomped my foot a few times before urging the three teens around me so they wouldn't get lost.

"Alright I can't lose you guys either so stay close to me, people get kidnapped all the time." I made sure to put an empathize around kidnapped I gently pushed them in front of me bringing them near the bench and fountain area making them sit.

"Stay put okay?" I ordered making sure I told Sakura more "Yes Kimiko I will watch them." She growled out looking between the two fast.

"I'm not a baby Sakura," Naruto growled at her back. God, they were still little kids. I felt a small tap on my shoulder had me spinning around in confusion before a little white rose was pushed gently in my direction.

"Kakashi?" I questioned in confusion slowly taking the rose seeing he was exposing both eyes gazing at me fully.

"You remember these right? I was here in the kingdom when I was a teen when the white roses were in bloom, and on this day years ago I have you a white rose." I held my breath to listen to him closely that he managed to remember all that.

I held the throneless rose lifting of towards my nose to sniff the fragrance from its warmth spreading through me. I faintly smiled gazing at Kakashi fully my shoulders sinking down.

"You remember that?"  I found myself whispering in awe watching him stuff his hands in his pocket.

"Well yeah, it was actually the day I was suppose to ask you to be my girlfriend but I was pulled back from the mission so I had to leave that night." He paused his actions a little, I couldn't see much from his lower face was still covered greatly by his mask "But now it's different, you're gonna be my wife which sounds way better."

My eyes were wide before the warmth then moved through my body at his words. Before I then tucked the rose behind his ear.

"Years ago we were teens how the time has changed," I whispered smiling at him, not his moment of felt like it was just us two. He could be sweet when he wanted to be.

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