Chapter Six

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Kamiko's Pov
"So... What did you tell those three about me?" I asked a little curious glancing at Kakashi. We sat in a large boat. My eyes watching the loud crashing of the waves my eyes slowly trailed off to look at my ring.

I saw Kakashi as well went to look at his own ring after sliding his glove off for a moment to pull it on his finger more.

"Well Naruto wouldn't stop bugging me after a while, so. I just told them I dated you a long time ago, that's why we got married so quickly." He chuckled little quietly leaning back before he was laughing quietly.

"I still can't believe your dad's face when I told him the rules of the leaf, oh God it was funny. I haven't had a laugh like that in forever that was well needed." I chuckled quietly keeping my eyes on him fully.

"I think you'll like the hidden leaf village. You'll get to have your own freedom, find your own path and as well. You'll be living with me that's a plus, " I watched him move a little closer to me. Moving away from the sleeping teens to rest his head on my shoulder.

"We could start over and leave back our tragic past come on Kamiko let's be good husband and wife yeah?" He whispered quietly.

He placed his hand inside my own hand which I slowly returned holding his hand tightly in my own. Resting my head on top of his a little looking out across the sea very focused.

I guess.... After all that whining and complaining I'm finally getting what I asked for after all that time.

Huh strange how I thought the freedom I always craved was just a dream but here it was now. All over the place.

It took quite a while but after a few days at sea. And a few more on foot we had arrived at the land of fire. Where the hidden leaf village was hidden.

I wondered where it got its name from, but then I had all Sai, Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi telling me it's cause it's literally hidden by trees and leaves and took a while to get to.

Me and Kakashi were walking hand and hand while the three teens were in front of us chatting away.

"Love is so strange, I don't think I'm ever gonna understand it." Sai sighed out quite roughly looking back at us confused.

"Wait till you are older it will make more sense that way." Kakashi answered.

"Alright we are home! Finally been the longest two months of my life, no offense Kamiko." I chuckled more waving my free hand very slowly.

"No offense taken Naruto, I understand." He grinned casually jogging ahead of others, and I slowly stared up at the quite large gate seeing two other ninjas were greeting Naruto with smiles.

Kakashi put his book away in his pocket still holding my hand urging him along with me. "Hey Izumo, hey Kotestu." I saw the two flash Kakashi a grin.

"Hey Kakashi! How's the mission to you guys were gone a while." Kakashi just chuckled.

"It went pretty well, we would have been back sooner but some troubles came along." Kakashi shut his eyes a little while he kept speaking.

"Oh who's this beauty?" One questioned looking at me. I gently bowed my head at them flashing them smiles slowly.

"This is actually my wife Kamiko, she's the princess from the land near the sky. Kamiko that's Izumo and Kotetsu if you ever leave the village tell them so they can inform Ladu Tsunade she's the hokage." He told me.

I took that information in nodding my head deeply. "Got it." I smiled turning back to face them.

"Its nice to meet you." I greeted.

"Kakashi since when the hell have you had a wife." Izumo exclaimed, Kakashi let his eyes face the sky for a moment before he started counting on his fingers slowly.

"Let's see it's been a couple weeks now actually, we got married back at her kingdom and you know the leaf rule, if you marry someone outside the leaf they have to come live here, so we have an actual princess living here." Kakashi chuckled fixing up his mask a little.

"Man you're lucky." I smiled a little shy like.

"Well we gotta report to Lady Tsunade, this was one of my second to last missions with them before Captain Yamato takes over for a little while, I'll have everyone meet her more properly when she settles down."

With that Kakashi was waving using his free hand guiding me inside.

"You're gonna love the ramen Kamiko I know I do." Naruto laughed hysterically while head running ahead dragging Sai off who was stammering looking confused.

While Sakura was just grumbling on about. Kakashi then slide his arms around my shoulder gazing at me fully.

"Welcome to your new home."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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