Chapter Three

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Kamiko's Pov
I was glaring deeply at the ground casually leaning on my hand. It didn't really help my case that Kakashi was carrying me off his shoulder like I was a child, one of his gloved hands was on my butt deeply, in his grip this book he hasn't put down at all.

He told me it was for my well being that I was carried since I tried to run off around twenty times in that last few days of them being ordered to bring me back. I glanced at the teens who I finally learned their names, Sai, Sakura and Naruto.

"You think Sensei knows this girl." Naruto was whispering to Sai who was writing in a scroll serious like. "obviously Naruto you idiot." Sakura hissed shooting him a glare.

"You two are talking so loud she is gonna hear." Sai commented I was still leaning on my hand and spoke out startling the three "You know I can hear you, no need to whisper." They all sweatdropped making me chuckle.

"If you must know, Kakashi is an ex-boyfriend of mine, till he left and never spoke to me again ow!" I exclaimed when he jerked me up hitting my head on one of the branches in the trees.

"Whoops my bad, my hand slipped." I glared but huffed relaxing still feeling him hold me close. "You ass, you know it's true," I grumbled looking back at the three.   "I had to leave Kamiko you know that I didn't wanna leave, I would have stayed here with you if I could," Kakashi argued back.

"Yeah yeah." I whispered before looking at Sakura when she spoke to me "princess if I must ask how come you don't wanna get married? To me, it sounds quite romantic." She giggled holding her hands together.

I scrunched my face up, but I remember they were all young. "Kamiko is fine Sakura well umm think of it like this image you are in love with this guy who in your eyes is perfect, yet at the same time had flaws." I started explaining, choosing my words carefully.

"My parents treat me like I'm sixteen, but I'm twenty they control my life. I don't wanna marry a man I've never met just to keep the kingdom pure. I know it sounds so selfish but at the same time my dreams are filled with this one guy." I smiled.

I craned my head to see Kakashi was staring up at me deeply "So Kakashi Sensei!" They all shouted. In unison, me and Kakashi sighed deeply and I started smacking at Kakashi's ass in his pants.

"Can you let me down now? I can feel your fingers on my panties." I whined ignoring the three blushing faces. "Nope, not till you behave like a good girl," I whined and slung over his shoulder more.

"Such a bad boy," I whispered and Naruto let the loudest scream out.  "Gah! this is worse than watching Pervy Sage spy on woman in the bathhouses!"

The crackles of the fire surrounded us all, I held the jacket close to me, not being able I sleep with Kakashi's jacket and scent washing all over me. Sai, Sakura, and Naruto had passed out sleep in their little sleeping bags, leaving me and Kakashi wide awake.

He was reading his book, and I was lost in my thoughts. "You need to tell your parents how you feel." I glanced up to see Kakashi had moved to sit right next to me putting his book away.

I noticed that he had pulled his mask down allowing me to see his lower face, and even shoved his headband back to expose his eye to me. I sighed and listen to the crackle of the fire more.

"I have they don't listen to me. " I chuckled and traced the green jacket some more "did you mean what you said? You're still in love with me?" I flinched hoping he would forget that but he remembers everything.

"Kakashi drop it," I whispered. I turned away but he roughly grabbed my arm and mad end face him, he was glaring at me.

"Don't Kamiko we aren't children talk to me." I struggled against his hold but stared deeply into his eyes. "Of course I did," I whispered yanking my hand away finally. I cleared my throat shaking my head fast "You should get some sleep. " I urged him and he breathed out a small sigh, sliding his headband and mask back in place.

"We aren't finished with this talk, rest as well." Were his last words into the air before he turned away from me. I breathed out a heavy sigh I didn't even realize I was holding in and rested my head on my knees.

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