Chapter Four

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Kamiko's Pov
"Kamiko! I swear if you try and run away one more time I'm gonna tie you up." My eyes flashed over to Kakashi in surprise letting the loudest huff out in shock "what! I didn't even try that time! Use your eyes pervert you're more focused on that sex book." I was annoyed because for once I was listening and following orders.

I'm an adult it was time for me make my own decisions. "It's a good book!" Kakashi looked back up at me in surprise gesturing for me to walk in front of him, his eyes boring into my own "man they've been going at it for hours." I focused my attention on Naruto who was whining on and off about.

"Tell me about it," Sakura grumbled while Sai himself had his own book, called a way to understand girls' emotions. My only guess was Kakashi.

"You know what I am sensing!" Naruto suddenly shouted jumping down to stand in the middle of the pathway in front of me and Kakashi with a grin.

"Spit it out already." Me and Kakashi said in unison. It made Naruto sweatdrop a little a giggling mess. "Sexual tension!" My eyes were wide like plates and Kakashi had a huge blush present in his face underneath that mask of his.

"Go on kiss the princess Kakashi Sensei." I squeaked feeling a small shove was forced me to bump into Kakashi. He usually was better at keeping his composure, and cool but he was really blushing and sweating a lot.

"Kiss Kiss." Naruto chanted making such a big face. I also started growing flustered looking at Sakura who was grinning looking at Naruto.

Kakashi sighed before he shoved his book in his pocket and quickly pulled me towards him blocking me and him from there view and pulled his mask down connecting his warm lips onto mine.

Making me gasp silently before slowly kissing back melting into the small kiss, holding onto his dark green vest deeply "Oh yuck! That was a mistake."

"Naruto you told them to do it!"

After it felt like many long days arriving back at the castle seemed to bring more weight on my shoulders then the kiss itself with Kakashi. Such a firm yet odd feeling. Being lead back into the home I called a prison.

It felt like hell itself. Kakashi was leading upfront a soft grip on my arm to bring me with him, with a few knight guards leading towards the throne room was where my father and mother were waiting.

I avoided all eye contact with anyone when I heard his loud booming voice "Kamiko! There you are, you troublesome girl! I hope it was worth it pulling a big scene like that running away. You are not sixteen." I scoffed but held back my tongue.

"Thank you so much." My mother was smiling all ears looking Kakashi coming down from her throne she handed Kakashi an envelope with he took.

"It was no problem at all your majesty. I actually know Kamiko very well, when we were quite young actually." Even from behind his mask I could see he was smiling behind his mask.

"Which is why I wanna offer my own offer. No one knew Kamiko as much as me, no one knows her stubborn ways, no one knows her better than me." I was looking at Kakashi in so much confusion, even Sakura, Sai and Naruto did.

"I am listening Kakashi." My eyes then drifted back to look at my father. "I would like to take Kamiko's hand in marriage." My mouth slowly dropped open and Naruto's was almost towards the floor.

"What!" Naruto shouted.

"Naruto be quiet." Kakashi quickly snapped out and even Sakura spoke out as well, looking dazed and confused.

"Sensei I agree what are you doing?" Sakura exclaimed. Kakashi had this unexplained look across his one eye.

"I want Kamiko's hand in marriage, I'm truly the only one who loves her." My jaw was still dropped I whispered suddenly, "Kakashi what are you doing?" I whispered my heart starting to pound at an insanely busy rate.

"Showing my hidden love for you." He whispered gazing at me deeply, his eye showing softness. My father was really quiet but he seemed to be in a lot of thought speaking with my mother.

"He does seem rather fit for it dear, plus he is a ninja a high-level rank one at that, Kamiko would never have to feel unsafe." My father let a deep hum out before he snapped his head back and suddenly smiled.

"Alright then Kamiko you've heard it here and now, Kakashi will be your husband in a few short months." I felt like my breath had been taken away and replaced with an unknown feeling. I didn't know how I should be reacting.

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