Chapter One

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Hisoka's Pov
My tired eyes flicked back and forth reading each word here in the dark. The only light was from the candle on the floor. My eyes were stinging. And not just from the blood that was falling from the side of my head. But from the small little tears that slowly dripped down from my eyes.

My palms were sweaty, and the cave walls felt tight all around me. But this was the first one of his letters to make this emotion stuck through me like a needle.

I smiled sadly my tears slightly smudging the words but I could make out the three meaningful words that went straight through my cold heart. I miss you this letter was so much different from all the ones he use to send me in the past.

I had hundreds of letters and I also kept them safe. But this one made me think different. And I wasn't too sure why yet.

Am I even going the right way? I was deeply annoyed. All these twists and turns just to get to the hidden village of leafs. I had packed all my stuff in my backpack, with the letters in tow and made my journey here.

Only took a week cause I was injured from stupid bandits. I was an ex ninjas and because of old battle wounds I received, I wasn't able to continue my journey as Ninja.

I wonder if Minato is still forth Hokage or even he gave it up to focus on raising Naruto. The mention of the kid put a small smile on my face.

He had to be way older now. And still had the nine-tailed fox inside him, all thanks to his mother who died. I entered the village with a sense that someone was walking.

I was pretty messed up. But I bandaged myself up pretty nicely. As I was looking around trying to see just how much stuff had changed. When someone came running up behind me, quickly.

I brought out one of my kunai from my side pocket and flipped around the clashing of the kunai. I took a breath seeing his blonde hair, but the soft look across his features.

I wasn't even halfway into the village and he found me. Still, the fourth Hokage.

"Well Well Hisoka, I see you got my letter." I cracked a faint smile and pushed my kunai against his even more deeply.

"Minato you haven't aged one-bit look at you." I chuckled before we both pulled back. He quickly threw me in a large hug which I returned slowly holding his sides with a smile hiding my head on his chest.

God, I hate those stupid feelings. Oh yeah, they are all coming back. The reunion was very cut short. We talked quietly before he took me to the Lord Hokage office so I was able to get my hidden leaf village living rights back here.

Before Minato offered me a place to stay at his house. "I wouldn't wanna intrude Minato, I can find a apartment somewhere and pay rent?" I gestured while we walked side by side down the path towards his house.

"Hisoka it's final you are staying with me and Naruto it's no trouble that kid is always training, you know recently he graduated from the academy but he did develop a strange Justu." I blinked a bit.

I knew arguing with him was helplessly, and it was already getting dark outside.

"I just really need a bath, I've been staying inside a cave." I placed my hands over my puffed out curly hair and Mintao looked at me like I was insane.

"How come your bleeding?" He was fumbling with his house keys as he opened up the door letting me in first.

"I'm reckless."  I trailed off Minato gave me this soft smile when he turned on all the lights, it felt very homey and warm, something I haven't been used to in a while.

"Naruto! Are you home!" I held my arms a little unsure hearing loud footsteps running towards where we stood.

"Dad! Oh, thank God did you bring food! I'm starting  Sasuke wouldn't pay for my Ramen." My eyes were wide looking at the wild messy hair. The messy orange attire.

It literally was Minato when he was longer. "Naruto you see we have a guest." Minato gestured clearing his throat.

Naruto flashed his eyes towards me looking at me in confusion. "Who is this your new girlfriend? I didn't even wanna know." Naruto grumbled.

I looked to Minato totally expecting that reaction. "Naruto." Minato was giving him this hard stare. Naruto started shiver.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Naruto, and one day I'm going be Hokage believe it." I slowly cracked a soft-looking smile at Minato who was avoiding eye contact.

So I assume Naruto doesn't even know his father is or was a Hokage. How can he not notice his face on the rocks? I thought.

"This is Hisoka, she has been my friend since I was a kid. She's gonna be staying with us for a while." I waved at Naruto who seemed to relaxed at that.

"Oh alright then there's a guest room by my room, you're actually really pretty you know that." Naruto grabbed my hand and started pulling me with him.

I looked to Minato who was just smiling at me nodding. I slowly relaxed and followed after Naruto who was talking with me deeply.

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