Chapter Four

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Hisoka's Pov
I was looking at Minato in a little confusion, but I was always confused. "Tell me why again Minato I have to meet Naruto's team?" It seemed quite odd to me. I know Naruto recently just had his fair share of a tough c ranked mission. He was gone for a week or two, but when he came back you could tell he was indeed stronger.

Minato recently had been wrapped up with more work at the Hokage office with the Lord Hokage. And he begged me to go to the nearby ramen stand to meet Naruto's team. In a strange way, we kinda play house.

I cook, clean and also work a small job at the 24-hour store in the village, I help Naruto with his training a bit when I can, and help Minato with his own work. Naruto had really taken it to call me mom whenever he can and it does seem he warmed up to me well.

Minato breathed out a rough sigh and turned to face me starting to pout and he knew all too well how that worked on me.

"Hisoka please darling, it's just for a few hours and then I'll make it up to you in any way you want." He moved closer to me folding his arms over his chest and I shifted tugging the little long flowing sundress down, looking at my sandals.

I realized a groan and slowly poked at his chest when he started grinning "I'll go if you cook dinner tonight." His grin slowly faded and replaced with a frown and pout.

"Damn it." He whispered before flicking my nose nodding deeply, his deep blue eyes looking at me "deal." I smiled and slowly high fived Minato who was still smiling at me deeply.

Maybe playing house wasn't too bad... Until it was dangerous when you were in love with the person.

"Mom!" I let a surprise oof out quickly hugging Naruto gently a giggling mess looking down at the happy blonde hair boy. "Hey, Naruto." I greeted him pinching his cheeks. I looked over at Kakashi who had a very deep look of surprise.

"Kakashi." I gave him a small hand wave which he returned clearing his throat "Hey Hisoka, you look really beautiful." The stammer leaving him was out of character most likely cause he never seen me wear a dress before.

"Thanks." I giggled ruffling up Naruto hair he grinned pulling me over to see a very surprised black hair boy, and pink hair girl "Mom this Sakura, and Sasuke Uchiha, my teammates, guys this is my mom." I smiled tucking my hair away with a shy smile.

"Nice to meet you guys." I should have recognized Sasuke anywhere, I could see it Madara Uchiha runs through his bloodline, so does Obito I thought blinking away the feeling.

"You have a mom loser, you don't look alike?" Sasuke questioned in disbelief but let a hiss out when Kakashi smacked him on the back of the head.

"What was that for. " Demanded Sasuke glaring "that was rude," Kakashi said in a stern voice. I let a small giggle out shaking my head looking at Naruto who also shot him a glare.

"She might not look like me but she is my mom! She takes care of me." Naruto huffed scowling sitting down I gave his head a soft pat on his head to calm him down also sitting down with the three wild kids. This sure was a wild bunch they kinda remind me of Kakashi, Rin, and Obito.

I blinked away the was memories, before giving a smile answering all the questions they asked me, while all the while agreeing to pay for all the bowls of Ramen Naruto ordered.

I truly wonder who he gets that trait from. It was a nice little meeting and wasn't as awkward as I thought it was gonna be. Sakura and Sasuke were as respectful as they could be until they asked if I was with Minato. I don't think I ever stammered out as quickly as I could that Minato was just a friend who I cared about deeply.

But even then I wasn't a good liar. Even Kakashi was giving me that look that said everyone that was anyone knew.

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