Chapter Three

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Hisoka's Pov
I let my eyes wander following the movements of Naruto curiously like. Well, looks like all that training with Kakashi is working. I thought amused folding my arms over my chest standing in the back yard I was Naruto continue practicing.

The look on Kakashi's face when he saw me was totally priceless, but also brought me back so many memories. I use to see Kakashi like my own son. I use to spend time with him when Minato couldn't back when he was married of course.

It was like seeing him as a little kid again he hugged me so much demanding me not to just disappear like that. "Why are you staring at me like that it's creepy you know." I blinked shooting Naruto a small glare, before chuckling.

"I just wanted to tell you, your training really has been paying off that's all Naruto." I pushed myself off the wall, about to head back inside before his voice was calling back out to me fast.

"Wait! Um,  Hisoka... Can you maybe train a little with me please?" Naruto called out to me. A small sting went through my heart when I started thinking about my permanent leg injury, but a small little match wouldn't hurt.

"Don't go too easy on me cause I'm a girl." I sent him a playful wink not missing the large grin making its way across his lips "Alright you better not hold back on me believe it!"

A couple of hours passed, maybe many more than that but I was more than happy to be sparing like I use to. It did hurt my leg a lot but Naruto had a lot of energy in him which I wasn't surprised by. I laid on the grass Naruto laying beside me both of us out of breath using up all our chakra.

"Well I'm beat... hey do you know how to make ramen." Naruto suddenly was beaming gazing up at me. I was still panting out of breath, my chest heaving up and down for air.

I breathed a small chuckle "You have to wait till your dad gets back home which should be soon actually Naruto." I snaked back into the soft lush feeling of the bed of grass around us, and I was a little surprised when Naruto was just a little hesitant before he had laid his head on my chest.

I carefully wrapped my arms around the boy hugging him gently. "You know I never knew my mom... Dad always said she died protecting me but I would have liked to meet her." My eyes held deep sadness looking down at Naruto.

He had his eyes closed but you can tell he was sad. I slowly ran my fingers through his hair whispering to him. "Even though you didn't get to meet her sweetie, she really did love you, with everything in her body she protected you and is the reason you're special today." I smiled and kept running my hands through his hair watching him snuggle up to me even deeper.

"Can you be my mom." He whispered almost sounding shy by the request. I was genuinely shocked by his shy request and inhaled letting his words ring through. Somewhere Kushina was scolding me.

I could never replace her. I looked down at Naruto again speaking shyly "I could never replace Kushina Naruto, you always will have that one true mom, but I do wanna take care of you so if you let me I can be your godmom." I whispered.

I glanced up for  just a minute to see that Minato was indeed home and was watching me and Naruto interact with a soft stare in his baby blue eyes. He quickly put his finger on my lip urging me to continue.

I slowly looked back down at Naruto who seemed to almost be drifting away into a deep sleep "Can I call you mom then?" His soft trailed off and I let a gentle smile go across my face leaning over I kissed his head gently.

"You can call me anything you like Naruto." I finally whispered watching this smile grave his face his whiskers lightly raising up as he whispered before falling asleep.

"Thank you, mom." My heart swelled up a little bit I carefully sat up picking up Naruto with ease he may have been twelve but he was still light as a feather his head was resting on my neck.

I walked passed Minato who followed after me "I'm not  gonna scold you for sparing you are a grown woman but thank you for spending time with him." I faced Minato with a smile on my face lifting up Naruto more.

"Its no problem he is slowly growing on me." I giggled still holding him and Minato flashed me a smile.

"So if your mommy, does that mean I'm daddy." Minato was giving me this look that made me instantly start thinking about dirty things. I squeak and quickly carried Naruto to his room "Don't push it Minato!"

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