Chapter Two

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Hisoka's Pov
"Minato I am strongly sure your son hates me." I let the small chuckle leave me, glancing my tired like eyes up. I was still drying my wet hair off with a towel my body wrapped in one as well looking at Minato whines drowning deeply.

"He doesn't hate you Hisoka it just takes him a really long time to trust people." He slowly trailed off. Still drying my hair off I pointed towards the open door where the little note said stay away from my dad in bold letters.

Minato released a loud sigh and smacked his forehead walking over snatching the note off the door.

"Naruto! I'm seriously gonna ground you!" I shut my eyes with a amused chuckle leaving me "What! what did I do!" My body kept shaking with laughter but I was more at ease. He really hasn't aged that much, look at his blonde hair.

I could still see he was the same playful but serious guy he was. It had been a couple of days of me officially being back and all I seemed to be doing was taking baths. My days of being a ninja were long over a long time ago.

So I was gonna look for a small job and at least help Minato by paying half the rent on his house. Minato had a smile on his face before he sat down next to me on the bed, he placed his hand on my bare arm gazing at me.

"How are you settling in? Naruto isn't giving you too much of a hard time right?" I chuckled slowly shaking my head letting the towel fall from to head exposing my brown hair looking at him my eyes shining.

"I'm settling in pretty good, no Naruto isn't too harsh on me, he does call me pretty like six times a day, and he is a little hesitant." I laughed quietly seeing Minato was still smiling at me.

"He reminds me of you when you were young, he's so energetic but I see her in him as well. " I raised my hand up and gently cupped Minato's cheeks watching him gaze into my eyes deeply. I let my thumb slowly stroke his cheeks seeing his eyes were soft.

"You are doing an amazing job Minato and she would be so proud of you." He kept smiling and slowly leaned his face into my hands more.

"Thank you Hisoka.... Thank you."

"Are you taking my dad's innocence away! Oh gross Hisoka." The loudest cough followed by the sound of liquid hitting the floor resulted in me quickly spinning around sliding a plate to Naruto who was digging in right away after shouting thank you.

I looked to Minato his entire face was red and he was looking at Naruto in shock sitting at the table. Little droplets of milk was on his chin. "Naruto!" He exclaimed. I snickered quietly before leaning on the counter top.

"Naruto I'm not taking his innocence. It's already gone that's how he had you-" "Hisoka." Minato warned me but I quickly held my hands up.

"Isn't he twelve? He should already know that." I laughed loudly slowly wiping my hands on the towel watching Minato roll his eyes slowly.

"So does that mean your innocent?" Naruto asked me tilting his head still stuffing his face with eggs. It was quiet and I felt Minato's curious blue eyes on me.

I quickly coughed patting my chest fast. I was in my thirties and yet I hadn't done anything like that. I cleared my throat "Yes I'm still innocent." I squeaked tossing my hair over my shoulder.

"Naruto dear don't you have a mission with Sakura and Sasuke." I quickly changed the subject watching the hyperactive blonde exclaim loudly before he was rushing out the door.

I chuckled picking up his empty plate  putting it inside the sink starting to wash the dishes. It was quiet in the kitchen just the sound of water and soap.

"You really haven't been with any one?" I looked over at Minato to see his strange eyes on me. He was sounding serious.

"Well yeah I never had time to get married, have kids things like that." I trailed off slowly shutting off the water washing my hands again. Minato started chewing at his lower lip looking like he wanted to speak more.

"Don't you have to some work to do with Lord Hokage." I quickly spoke remembering he's duty to help the Hokage watching his eyes go round before he could finish his sentence.

He nodded his head deeply before he finished drinking his milk before rushing out the house. I chuckled and sighed quietly looking around in thought.

"Yeah I never got married cause I was hungover on loving you Minato Namikaze." I whispered quietly into the air.

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