Chapter Five

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Hisoka's Pov
"Alright, Naruto. Each year the Chunin exams are totally different, I remember mine I almost died-"


"But that's beside the point! You have an amazing sensei and you should be fine." I laughed nervously hoping that I didn't scare the kid too badly, I stroked his tuff of blonde hair a few times tucking him in.

"But be ready it is a competition, and only a few hand selected get chosen, it's all about strength, now rest up goodnight sweetie." I kissed the top of his head watching him turn over in his bed yawning loudly "Night mom." He muttered.

I smiled faintly shutting off his light, I then made my way to the kitchen to clean up everything from tonight dinner. I put everything in the sink but looked over towards the living room where Minato was doing paperwork sitting on the floor with a few teacups around him.

I brushed off my shirt a bit going to stand near him kneeling down I placed my arms over his shoulders.  "How's work going for you, old Lord Fourth." I laughed out quietly hearing Minato grumble at me with a deep pout he was snickering glancing up at me.

"I don't look my age you could hardly tell I'm in my thirties, just more paperwork with Lord Hokage, it's like he never stops." He chuckled shaking out his hair a few times sighing leaning back onto me.

"I just wanna rest Hisoka I'm getting old!" I shushed him quickly laughing out roughly I then moved so I was sitting behind Minato holding his sulking form nuzzling his neck deeply.

"First, you are a big baby, second you still have many years would you relax." I chuckled feeling his arms tightened to keep me from letting go. "Hisoka I'm getting old, I see it every day when I look at Naruto, and we'll it's kinda depressing." He grumbled out still pouting.

"Well, you weren't gonna stay young forever." I laughed out keeping my head pressed on his neck giggling quietly "I'm getting old too, I can't even do ninja work because of my injury so guess what will stay being old together alright, now let me help with the paperwork." I offered.

It was silent for a few minutes before I noticed Minato was looking at me before he was pressing his lips onto mine deeply, and I was slowly kissing him back deeply.

I carefully packed the little Bento box humming a tune quietly to myself making sure it was all sealed for Naruto and his exam. I held back the very loud urge to squeak when I felt Minato's arms sink around my waist feeling him press small kisses to my neck.

"Minato Namikaze you are in just your underwear go back into the room before Naruto sees you." I shrieked loudly instantly when he squeezed my thighs.

"Come back into the bedroom." He muttered his deep chuckles lingering all over my neck.

"I am almost finished can you wait like five minutes." I giggled out a small muffled moan "Ew can you two not do that in the kitchen go in the bedroom yuck." I instantly pulled away from Minato looking at the very disgusted face of Naruto who was pretending to throw up.

"Like I don't care if you two are dating but like, not in front of my food please." I coughed out a small laugh gently pushing Minato away seeing him rub at his head bashful.

"Wait you aren't mad Naruto?" Minato then questioned to Naruto quite quickly. Naruto moved around the table to grab the Benito box from me shaking his head.

"What? No I don't care who you date dad, just as long as you don't forget about mom, you are getting old you need some love, plus I like Hisoka, she's cool." Naruto grinned. " I gotta head to academy though wish me luck!"

I got to wave goodbye to Naruto before Minato had a late reaction.

"I'm not that old!" I snickered quietly before I placed all the dirty dishes into the sink letting them soak in the warm water.

"Old man." I squeaked fast my body moving just before his hands came in contact with my ass "You weren't saying that last night." My entire face was fluttered in heat when I saw the smug look on his face "We aren't having sex for a while!" I exclaimed seeing him then pout.

"Awww come on last night was special it was your first-time baby." I quickly held the bridge of my nose fast my face still heated hoping it would get him to keep quiet.

"Minato you are gonna be late for work," I told him hearing him once again dashing away fast back into the bedroom leaving me snickering so loud.

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