Chapter Six

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Hisoka's Pov
"You know your hair looks like a chicken butt." I started snickering so hard at the thought, almost thrown into the deepest laughter of a life time watching Minato get dressed up. He spun back around to face me looking so offended gasping.

"Hisoka! You have no damn filter watch me throw you out the window." He whined tossing his shirt on over his head. I just ended up laughing harder moving to lay back on my stomach snuggling up into the warm bed a small pout.

I miss Naruto, his loud laughter, or him just running wild. In his own way he was like my son. But this was the part growing up with ninja blood line.

Minato after a while climbed back into bed with me, his arms snaking around my waist his head moving to rest on my neck soft like.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked me gently his hands still stroking at my hips.

"I miss Naruto.... You think he is being safe?" I asked a little Minato then gentle cuddling me more.

"Knowing Naruto, he is proving everyone wrong who ever doubted him. He's probably causing chaos. But he'll be back here soon, you really do love him don't you?" I puffed out my lips before I turned around to stare at Minato gently cupping at his cheeks slowly.

"I really care about him... Like he was my own and I just wanna baby him... I never got to have kids of my own." I admitted. I felt his thumb was rubbing very closely at my cheeks.

"I hope that maybe one day... I can make that dream come true, but for now let's focus on getting Naruto to at least sixteen before we think about more kids." I laughed quietly and nodded my head shutting my eyes gently.

"Yeah we should focus on at least sixteen."

A full two weeks went by before the kids finished their first phase of the chunin exams and I was more then proud that Naruto was the few that made it to the second phase.

He was arriving back home and I was more then excited.

"He's coming back home, he's coming!" I squealed bouncing around and around the living room making sure it was all tiddy. Minato glanced up from the book he was reading chuckling slightly.

"How are you this excited, it's only been two weeks." He pointed out at me a bit.

"Hush up, it's felt like forever you got me to yourself for the whole two weeks isn't that enough." I said huffing when he started snickering.

"Best two weeks of my life getting to walk around naked." He muttered. I rubbed at the back of my head a few times but I was then quickly squealing when the front door opened.

"I'm home!" I rushed towards Naruto so quickly crashing him in a deep hug hearing him laugh happily.

"Naruto! " I shouted lifting the small twelve year old up so fast with ease slamming the front door shut.

"Mom! This is so embarrassing." He huffed out loudly but he easily starting hugging me back happily.

"I missed you so much. Don't leave me alone with your dad again." I heard Minato huff out so quick.

"You weren't saying that when I had you on the kitchen, and the living room, and the bathroom you strange woman. How the hell did she move that fast." I heard him grumbling. But he stood up with a grin while I was smothering Naruto's face in huge kisses hearing him laughing with a huge red face.

"Hisoka let the boy breath he's twelve years old." Minato scolded me with a grin but I just huffed carrying Naruto over to the couch.

"He's so small for a twelve year old. How did the chunin exams go, come on tell us everything?" I urged him happily when he laughed quietly. Minato sitting down behind me playing with my hair with a grin leaning his chin on my shoulder watching Naruto.

"Well! It was kinda fun actually, hard the first thing we did was this written exam and I didn't really know that much on it. But it was a twist, we all were suppose to cheat on it without getting caught, and then we went into like this forest of death we were in there for a full week! I couldn't stand it I didn't have your cooking and Sakura was whining so much." Naruto whined out and I listened interested.

"Oh my god that reminds me of my own exam, the first phase they made clones of all our teammates but we had to figure out which one wasn't the real one. And who was fake." I laughed.

"I remember that!" Minato laughed out so loudly.

"You weren't even on my team and I still punched you." I laughed sheepishly.

"You punched him?" Naruto asked interested.

"Well they threw us all near the training grounds, and everyone was just like beating each other up and stuff." I laughed shaking my head.

"I accidentally punched the real Minato he never let me live it down we were twelve so after he kept saying remember when you punched me." I mimicked Minato who was snickering much louder then before.

"It hurt okay. " He laughed out.

"And I said sorry you goof." I chuckled.

"Man I missed you guys, what have you guys been doing." I hummed leaning back.

"Se-" I didn't let Minato finish before I covered his mouth.

"He's been working, I've been working as well." Minato looked at me sheepishly.

"Ugh I don't even wanna know never mind..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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