⚡The Freaks of Greece⚡

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A wooden cart filled to the brim and bonded up tight with golden wheat ran down the dirt road towards the Acropolis Market and Village, dodging sheep in it's path. A donkey brayed in fear while an elderly Amphitryon called out towards two young teenage twins whom were pulling the cart in a fast sprint, The boy was skinny with short soft red hair and blue eyes full of life while the girl running on the opposite side of cart had long, luscious red hair and skinny like her twin brother.

Amphitryon- "Hercules, Y/n, Slow down! Look out!" He yelled out loud as the teens ran under the entranceway to the marketplace as three burly men were building it as the cargo smacked them.

Hercules & Y/n- *Look behind their shoulders and hissed in regret* "Oops! S-Sorry, guys/sirs!" Hercules and Y/n said together as the workers luckily hanged onto the entranceway yelling back at them. "Hey, watch where you're goin'! Sunday drivers!" Hercules and Y/n kept running into the market as animals and people dodged their pathway til Hercules and Y/n dug their sandals heels onto the ground to slow down only for the twins to sink up to their chests into the earth before stopping completely.

Amphitryon- "Thanks, Son and Daughter." He said towards his children as Hercules jumped out of the hole before helping his sister out of her own hole then fixed their white togas/dress. "When old Penelope twisted her ankle back there, I thought we were done for." He said as Y/n walked over towards her father checking Penelope's ankle.

Hercules & Y/n- "No problem, Pop." Hercules said as he lifted up the bundles of wheat from the cart. Y/n quickly but carefully took Penelope into her arms with ease before hopping onto the cart. "Happy to help, Daddy." Y/n said smiling sweetly before kissing her father's cheek.

Amphitryon- "Uh, don't unload just yet, Hercules. First, I have to finagle with Phideas." He said to Hercules which lead to Hercules to toss the cargo back onto the cart and launching both Penelope and Y/n into the bright blue sky.

Hercules & Y/n- *Y/n kept hold of their families donkey and yelled down at her brother* "HERCULES!!" Penelope brayed loudly out as well while Hercules flinched in a sorry manner. "Oops. Sorry, Y/n and Penelope." Hercules said as he walked over towards Amphitryon with his arms held out since this wasn't the first time he nor his sister had done this before with their great strength.

Amphitryon- "Now, Hercules, you and your sister this time, please just..." He said as Hercules caught Y/n whom held Penelope before Hercules set his sister onto her feet then Y/n placed Penelope on the cart with great care as the twins looked at their father knowing the same speak he always told them.

" He said as Hercules caught Y/n whom held Penelope before Hercules set his sister onto her feet then Y/n placed Penelope on the cart with great care as the twins looked at their father knowing the same speak he always told them

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Hercules & Y/n- "We know, We know. Stay by the Cart." The two spoke together as Amphitryon sighed softly at his children and ruffled their hair saying to them. "That's my boy and little girl." Hercules and Y/n smiled happily as they fixed their hair and sighed softly while leaning against the cart before hearing a man struggling in his pottery shop with a giant pottery bowl. "Oh, my goodness. Whoa!" Hercules and Y/n quickly ran towards the man and studied the bowl for the man. "Careful!" Hercules and Y/n said together as the man shuddered in relief not knowing whom saved his butt yet. "Why, thank you, you two." The man said as Hercules and Y/n looked over at the man smiling. "No problem." The man began sputtering his words at the sight of the twins. "W-Why, Hercules and Y/n! I-It's you two!" Hercules and Y/n tilted their heads aside. "Let us help you with this." They said together as the man quickly took the giant bowl away from the two. "No, no, no,no, no. I got it! *straining voice* I'm fine. You two just run along." Hercules and Y/n looked at each other then back at the man. "Are you sure?" Hercules asked as the man nodded at the brother and sister while they walked out of the shop. "Oh, yes. Absolutely." A red curtain door closed in front of Hercules and Y/n as they walked away side by side til a bronze discus landed at Hercules's feet. "Yo! Give it here!" Three teenage boys ran towards the twins and gasped when they saw whom picked up the discus. "Hey, you need an extra guy?" Hercules asked the guys while Y/n shyly waved at the guys making them blush slightly at her beauty. "Uh...Sorry, Herc. Uh, we already got five, and we want to keep it an even number." A blonde haired boy said towards Hercules as Y/n said towards them. "Hey, wait a second. Five isn't an even number." Once she said that the boy in front of her brother grabbed the discus and ran off. "See ya, Herc and N/n." Hercules and Y/n watched them ran away along hearing them making fun of them. "What a geek, Hercules is, he's lucky to have a cute but freaky sister like Y/n. Destruco Boy and Girl. Maybe we should call them "Jerkcules and Mean N/n"." Hercules and Y/n looked down at the ground as Y/n crossed her arms onto her shoulders and rubbed them sighing softly while the pair sat on the ledge of a white stone water well. "At least we have each other, huh Herc?" Y/n said before hugging her brother close. Hercules smiled at his sister for cheering him up and hugged her back. "Yeah at least we got each other, N/n. My adorable little sister." Hercules said before tugging on her cheeks making her laugh slightly as she pushed him off her face. "By a few minutes I'm your little sister, you big oaf of brother." Y/n said as she struck her tongue out at Hercules making him laugh.

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