⚡An Heroes 💔 & Clash of The Titans⚡

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Hercules and Y/n looked up at the God til he span off the bar and perfectly dismounted right behind Hercules as Y/n stayed where she sat looking at her brother with worry as he set his weights down.

Hades- "Baboom. Name is Hades, Lord of the Dead. Hi. How ya doin'?" Hades asked Hercules while he held his hand out to the hero. "Not now, okay?" Hercules said as he walked away from Hades towards his sister only for Hades to follow after him. "Hey, hey. I only need a few seconds and I'm a fast talker, all right? See, I've got the major deal in the works. A real estate venture, if you will. And Herc, you little devil you. May I call you Herc? You and your sister seem to be constantly getting in the way of it." Hades said as Hercules blew Hades off to walk back to Y/n stating. "You've got the wrong guy and girl." Y/n's eyes widened as Hades grabbed Hercules quickly standing up while cracking her knuckles at Hades as she stormed over and pulled Hades's arm off of Hercules as he aflamed with anger grabbing Hercules and Y/n. "Hear me out, you two little...Just hear me out, okay? So I would be eternally grateful if you and your sister would just take the day off from this hero and heroine business of yours. I mean, monsters, natural disasters. You both wait a day, okay?" Hercules and Y/n looked at each other before walking away from Hades saying together. "You're out of your mind." Hades then appeared in front of Hercules saying to him as Y/n stopped walking now behind her brother and God of the underworld. "Not so fast Herc, because, ya see, I do have a little leverage you might wanna know about." Hades snapped his fingers as Hercules and Y/n saw Meg appear. "Meg!" Hercules shouted out as Y/n ran over towards her. "Don't listen, Herc..." Meg said til she was bonded by smoke ropes and started to fall til Y/n caught her carefully before she vanished from her arms. Hercules glared at Hades and charged at him angry. "Let her go!" Hades dodged Hercules as Y/n stood up glaring at the God. "Here's the trade-off. You give up your strength for about 24 hours, okay? Say the next 24 hours. *Snaps his fingers making Meg appear where Y/n once sat at* And Meg here is free as a bird and safe from harm. We dance, we kiss, we schmooze, we carry on, we got home happy. What d'ya say? Come on." Hades said as Y/n ran over to Meg trying to free her from her bonds while getting a bad feeling in her chest about Hades. Hercules looked over at Meg and Y/n before looking at Hades. "P-People are gonna get hurt, aren't they?" Hercules asked Hades as he shrugged. "Nah! I mean, it's a possibility. It happens 'cause, you know, it's war. But what can I tell ya? Anyway, what do you owe these people, huh?" Hades questioned before walking towards Meg and Y/n taking hold of their faces. "Isn't Meg, little smoochy face and your little baby sister, Y/n, Are they not more important to you than the people are?" Y/n tried to get away from Hades as Hercules shouted at Hades. "Stop it!" "Aren't They?" Hercules looked at Meg and Y/n thinking til saying towards Hades. "You've gotta swear that they'll be safe from any harm." Hades let go of Meg and Y/n as the heroine checked Meg for injuries til she noticed something, if Meg was here then where was Mel. "Fine, okay. I'll give you that one. Meg and Y/n is safe, otherwise you get your strength right back. Yadda yadda. Fine point. Boilerplate. Okay? Done. What d'ya say we shake on it?" *Hades held his hand out to Hercules as Y/n ran over to her brother shaking her head no* "Hey, I really don't have, like, time to bat this around. I'm kind of on a schedule here. I got plans for August. Okay? I need an answer, like, now. Going once, going twice..." Hercules looked over at Meg and Y/n as they both shook their heads no but Hercules didn't want to see his love nor his sister hurt ever. "All right!" Hercules shouted at Hades as the God smiled at him and took his hand. "Yes, we're there! Bam!" Y/n's eyes widened in fear and disbelief as she watched her brother's strength get taken away from him thus making Hercules completely mortal. "You may feel just a little queasy. It's kinda natural. Maybe you should sit down!" Hades launched a heavy weight bar at Hercules making him fall onto the ground. "HERCULES!!" Y/n yelled out worried for her brother before she ran towards him and picked up the weight set and threw it off of him before Hades appeared in front of the heroine. "Now I got a deal for you missy." Hades said as Y/n glared at him angrily.

⚡Hercules and Y/n from Zeros to Heroes⚡Where stories live. Discover now