⚡🌹Family Life🌹⚡

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Mel and Y/n slept in their bedroom peacefully til baby cries filled their room making Mel sit up from bed groaning sleepily as Y/n stirred under the silk blankets then sat up as well in her light blue toga dress

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Mel and Y/n slept in their bedroom peacefully til baby cries filled their room making Mel sit up from bed groaning sleepily as Y/n stirred under the silk blankets then sat up as well in her light blue toga dress.

Mel- "Sophia is awake again, Stay in bed Y/n." He groaned deeply while rubbing his temples before getting out of bed heading to the other room which was filled with baby gifts from the gods and goddesses, Hercules, Meg, and Phil. Mel walked over to the silk pillow stuffed marble crib from Hera. Mel looked down at the little baby girl fussing in her light purple baby toga dress smiling sweetly before gently taking the baby into his arms. "Shh, shh, princess it's okay pater is here."

The baby stopped fussing as she opened up her blue eyes and smiled cooing happily to see her father. Sophia was the daughter of the Heroine Y/n and her husband Melancton along with being the niece of the hero, Hercules and his wife Megara. Sophia had her mother's eyes and her father's brown hair in adorable wavy curls as well as her mother's and uncle's godly strength. Y/n walked into the room tired but smiled as she looked at Mel rocking their daughter in his arms.

Y/n- "Our little Sophia is so a daddy's girl." She said honestly walking over towards her husband as Mel looked up at Y/n smiling at her while Sophia looked over seeing her mother. Y/n gently took Sophia from Mel and kissed her forehead lightly. "Sophie, you got to let your mater and pater sleep at least through the night for once. Our little princess and demigoddess." She said while tickling her baby's stomach to make her giggle til Y/n began singing a lullaby to her daughter.

Mel watched as his wife played with their daughter before picking up Y/n into his arms while she held Sophia and headed back to their bedroom to hopefully get some more sleep until Apollo brought forth the new day

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Mel watched as his wife played with their daughter before picking up Y/n into his arms while she held Sophia and headed back to their bedroom to hopefully get some more sleep until Apollo brought forth the new day. The next day Mel woke up to a loud crash and ran out of bed seeing Sophia had accidentally broken Y/n's favorite statue of her own mothers Hera and Alcmene while Y/n held Sophia away from the broken marble shards.

Mel- "Sophia really is Y/n's and My own daughter." He sighed before calling Pega so he could get Phil to help the two parents with their daughter's strength as she got older.

A Tiny Oneshot

⚡Hercules and Y/n from Zeros to Heroes⚡Where stories live. Discover now