🌹Romance of the Heroine's ♥️🌹

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Prometheus Academy in Athens there was four most famous girls whom attended the school from Princess Helen of Troy with a heart of gold, Tempest of The Amazonian Warriors and their princess, Cassandra an amateur Oracle and seer. But the one that stood out more for not just her goddess like beauty and her kind heart: the daughter of Zeus and heroine in training; Y/n. When the young heroine in training joined the Academy instantly she attracted the eyes of many boys from Prometheus Academy but their rivals at the Trojan Academy mainly a boy named Paris.

 When the young heroine in training joined the Academy instantly she attracted the eyes of many boys from Prometheus Academy but their rivals at the Trojan Academy mainly a boy named Paris

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Everyone in Athens knew that the heroine in training was taken though by her boyfriend: Melancton or Mel for short. Mel treated his girlfriend as the goddess she was always meant to be and tonight was the Aphrodesia Dance where people celebrated the goddess of love: Aphrodite with cupid aiming his arrows of love onto people and couples.

Y/n- *Hums softly getting dressed up in her best dress and jewelry mainly bracelets and earrings* "I'm going to look as beautiful as cousin Aphrodite for Melancton tonight at the Aphrodesia Dance." She said while looking at a urn with her own and Mel's image painted on it holding a rose out to her. "I'm such a lucky girl." She said sighing softly before whistling sharply as Pega flew towards her window and hopped onto her to head to Aphrodite's temple.

Love is crazy thing, people do crazy things when they are are in love. I can go the distance with my heart pure and true filled with strength deep within.~

Y/n sang out clearly in the evening air as the beautiful melody soared across the sky while Pega flew through the clouds. They friends landed in Athens City state as Pega bowed down for Y/n to get off of her horse carefully and hugged her winged friend til a pair of skinny arms picked her up and spun her around.

Y/n- "Hercules! Put me down you crazy brother of mine." She said while laughing happily and hugged her goof of a twin back as he set her down as Cassandra and Icarus walked over to the two.

Helen, Cassandra and Tempest were three of Y/n's greatest best friends whom were always there for each other when in trouble.

Hercules while her brother was always her best friend from birth and before she'd left to Themisycra then return to join Prometheus Academy. Growing up Hercules and Y/n were always there for one another and will continue to be for years on.

Icarus was a friend whom always knew how to make her laugh when she was insecure or depressed when it came to her own high school drama mainly Adonis picking on her brother and friends while flirting with her. Y/n ended up saving Icarus with Hercules on multiple occasions when he flys to close to the sun on his wax wings.

Hercules set his sister down as he ruffled up her hair which she quickly fixed then playfully punched him in the shoulder laughing until she froze up. "Oh, Zeus I know that look. Melancton is here." Hercules said as he sighed. While he was the older brother by a few minutes yet he was an overprotective one at that especially when the two began their hero training.

Melancton walked over towards Cassandra, Icarus, Hercules and Y/n dressed in a fancier royal purple chiton toga with gold clasps, headband and new sandals holding something behind his back. He walked in front of Y/n smiling at his girlfriend lovingly.

Mel- "Hello, Gorgeous. I got you these to wish you a happy Aphrodesia day." He said as he held on a small bouquet of roses, poppies, and lilies along with a gold necklace in his other his hand.

Y/n- Blushed bright red as she kissed Mel on the cheek happily as she took the flowers. "Mel, these are beautiful but you didn't have to do this for me." She said honestly as he walked behind her and placed the necklace carefully around her neck.

Mel- "I love you, Y/n and you deserve to be pampered like a princess of my own heart.~" He said honestly as he wrapped his arms around her waist smiling as her face looked like a ripe cherry from his charming complementary. "Let's go dance the night away, N/n.~" Mel said with a seductive wink and smile.

⚡Hercules and Y/n from Zeros to Heroes⚡Where stories live. Discover now