⚡A True Hero and Heroine⚡

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Hades yelled in his palace exploding fire everywhere from his eighteen year plan to overthrow Zeus and become lord of Olympus was destroyed by Hercules and Y/n.

Hades- "RAH! WE WERE SO CLOSE!!" Hades shot fire at his war table destroying the figures on it as he cooled down. "So close. We tripped at the finish line. Why?" Hades asked sarcastically before sitting down on his throne. "Because our little nut, Meg, has to go all noble. Then our prized stallion, Mel, goes all protective." Hades growled til be along with Pain and Panic felt the palace rumbling around them until Hercules and Y/n bursted through the wall on Cerberus as the twins glared down at Hades. "Where's Meg?" Hercules demanded as Y/n jumped off of Cerberus and pulled out her sword. "And, where's Mel, Hades?" Y/n snarled angrily at the God. Hades scoffed slightly seeing Hercules and Y/n. "Oh, look who's here. Wonderboy and Wondergirl, you two are too much." Hades said as Cerberus bowed their heads down as Hercules stepped in front of Hades grabbing him by his collar while Y/n placed her sword's blade against Hades' throat having enough of his games. "Let them go." Hercules and Y/n said together while Hades pushed Y/n's sword away from his throat and Hercules off of him saying. "Get a grip, ya two. Come here, come here. Let me show you both around." Y/n growled but sheathed her sword as they walked out of the palace.

Hades escorted Hercules and Y/n to a cliffside edge where it was lite up in an eerie green glow as Hercules and Y/n looked down seeing the water down below was filled with newly deceased souls.

Hades- "Hmph. Well, well.  It's a small Underworld after all. Huh?" He said as Hercules and Y/n looked at the water closer seeing Meg's and Mel's soul within the water flowing by the other souls. "Meg/Mel!" Hercules and Y/n got onto their knees and reached into the water to get the people the loved souls back but pulled their hands back in pain. "Aaah!" Hercules and Y/n looked down at their hands seeing that they were now deadly pale, sunken in and boney before trying back to normal. "No, no, no. Mustn't touch, you two. You see, Meg's and Mel's running with a new crowd these days. And not a very lively one, at that." Hades said mockingly towards Hercules and Y/n.

Hercules & Y/n- The twins looked down at the water as it began to take Meg's and Mel's souls farther into to water's depths as it began swirling down deeper into the River Stynx before looking over at Hades with a deal in mind for him. "You like making deals. Take us in Meg's and Mel's places." Hercules and Y/n said together towards Hades.

Hades- Looked at Hercules and Y/n as he hummed slightly at the deal

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Hades- Looked at Hercules and Y/n as he hummed slightly at the deal. "Hmm, Well. The son and daughter of my hated rival both trapped forever in a river of death. Is there a downside to this?" Hades pondered while Hercules and Y/n counted down to Hades like when he made a deal with them earlier that day. "Going once, Going twice!" Hades looked at the twins waving his hands at them. "Okay, okay, okay, okay. You two get them out. They go, you two stay." Hades said as Hercules and Y/n looked down at the water from the edge before diving into the river's waters. "Oh! You know what slipped my mind? You'll both be dead before either you two can get to them. That's not a problem, is it?" Hades' words echoed onto the stone walls as Hercules and Y/n swam deep down into the water to reach Meg's and Mel's souls.

⚡Hercules and Y/n from Zeros to Heroes⚡Where stories live. Discover now