⚡D.A.M.I.D & Thebes⚡

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Hercules & Y/n- Hercules rode Pegasus with Phil at the front steering while Y/n rode Pega wing tip to wing tip with Pegasus. "So what's is Thebes, Phil?" Y/n asked as the newly trained heroes headed to the City high in the sky.

Phil- "A lot of problems, N/n. It's a big, tough town. Good place to start buildin' a rep for you two." He explained til a woman's and man's scream caught Pegasus's and Pega's attention as well Hercules, Y/n and Phil. "Sounds like a your basic DAMID, Damsel and Man in Distress." He said only for Hercules and Y/n to lightly kick Pegasus's and Pega's sides for them to dive down from the sky and into the forest below.

Hercules and Y/n with Phil, Pegasus and Pega began following after the screams to stop at a riverside waterfall as a woman with long brown hair and a man with short yet curled wavy hair ran out of the treeline both wearing royal purple toga and dress. A male and female centaurs grabbed the two laughing evilly. "Not so fast, sweetheart/handsome." Once the two DAMID were held in the air saying to the centaurs. "I swear, Nessus/Nessie. Put me down or I'll..." The woman and man kicked the centaurs only to make them laugh. "Whoo! We like 'em fiery!" Nessus got close to the woman while Nessie got close to the man but nonetheless disgusted the two. At this display Hercules and Y/n gasped before growling angrily at the centaurs while Phil began explaining the situation. "Now, remember, kids. First, analyze the situation. Don't you two just barrel in there without thinking." *Phil looked over with Pegasus and Pega seeing that Hercules and Y/n were no longer by them then looked over towards the centaurs seeing the twins walking up to the centaurs whom were holding the damsel and man in distress.* "They're losin' points for this!" Phil growled angrily.

Hercules & Y/n- Approached Nessus and Nessie then shouted out together as Hercules placed his fists onto his hips, Y/n placed her hands on her hips firm yet sassy. "Halt!" This grabbed the attention of the centaurs along with the woman and man. Nessus and Nessie stood in front of Hercules and Y/n huge compared to their size as humans. "Step aside, two legs." Nessus and Nessie growled at Hercules and Y/n then got in their faces, the twins looked aside a bit to see if the centaurs were the same gender or different. "Pardon us, our good, uh, uh...Sir/Lady. We'll have to ask you two to release these young..." Hercules and Y/n separately looked at the woman and man whom both were struggling to get free before they looked at Hercules and Y/n saying separately. "Keep movin', Junior." The woman said to Hercules as the man said to Y/n. "Move along, Sweetie." Hercules and Y/n looked at each other then back at the woman and man. "Lady/Sir." Y/n then caught Nessie's attention leading the female centaur away from the male and her brother then Y/n asked the man being in Nessie's grip still struggling to get free. "B-But you...Are-Aren't you a man in distress?" Y/n questions as the man told the young heroine. "I'm a man...I'm in distress! I can handle this, sweetie." The man said towards Y/n then leaned over flashing the heroine a seductive smile. "Have a nice day." The man said making Y/n blush slightly before she shook her head to concentrate then cleared her throat. "Uh. Sir, I'm afraid you may too close to the situation to realize..." Y/n said drawing out her sword til Nessie right hooked her in the jaw as she landed by Hercules.

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