I was a Fool - You are Lost (I Loved You)

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Burning heat sears his flesh
as he stares at his most beloved.
Wounds new, deep and fresh
cover not his body, but mind and soul.

And as the once beautiful, kind eyes,
now filled with infinite sadness
stare at him, showing only harsh lies,
his heart's crushed, existence fading.

Last few truthful words are uttered,
speaking of betrayal, love and affection;
'unconditionally,' they used to whisper,
now the promise, broken, is no longer.

One consumed by raw, blinding power,
the other unyielding, unable to let go;
at the most unfortunate hour,
one starts believing, the other does not.

Two sides of the same coin,
now opposite each other as always,
Moon meets Sun as they join
their rightful half in the endless Universe.

Every touch fearful, light and sweet;
what they have been yearning for
since forever - completing their need
for each other; heart, body, soul and mind.

The tale is not supposed to be any nicer;
hard is to forgive, forget they will never.
Mistakes make us grow stronger, wiser
and teach us peace, security, appreciation.

And galaxy keeps flowing through all,
even through the lost and found,
catching again the ones who fall,
making them stand on the ground.

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