Chapter 13: Call of Darkness

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Daisuke and his friends were in the Digital World working to destroy the Dark Towers to prevent the mysterious woman who was now revealed as a Spider Digimon, Archnemon from creating powerful Digimon which would pose as a threat. They had almost defeated her once but she was saved by her comrade, Mummymon. They were working together.

In revenge, Archnemon had recently used her hairs and 100 Dark Towers to create an Ultimate Level Digimon, BlackWarGreymon. All their Partner Digimon were defeated. Not even their strongest Digimon Paildramon was a match to BlackWarGreymon.

Hikari was depressed. Of all Digimon, it had to be a familiar Digimon to be their enemy. Even though, it was another being on its own, looking at BlackWarGreymon, Hikari could not help but be reminded by the tragedy three years ago. Both Daisuke and Takeru even Miyako noticed her sadness. Hikari kept so much of her problem to herself. Because of that, Miyako did not even know what she had on her mind some times.

"Anyway, let's go to the Digital World. We can't let them create another Digimon like this." Takeru suggested.

The group was walking in a forest and Tailmon realized that it was where she lost her Holy Ring. Without it, she had not been able to realise her full power. Daisuke decided that they would look for it for her. Hikari was grateful while the rest were unfazed knowing that he was trying to get into Hikari's good book. Daisuke blushed badly.

"Well, I'm sorry!" He cried in embarrassment. Not even V-mon gave him face.

"Don't give up, Daisuke." He grinned trying not to laugh to Daisuke's dismay. He shook V-mon for teasing him. Hikari smiled at his action.

"But Daisuke's right. Let's look for it." Takeru said to Hikari. The rest agreed.

"We'll find it for sure, dagyaa."

"Thank you, everyone." Tailmon was grateful.

Daisuke wanted to search with Hikari but Hikari wanted to search with Miyako instead. Daisuke was disappointed.

"Don't give up, Daisuke!" V-mon could not stop teasing him.

"V-mon!" Daisuke did not know whether to laugh or to cry.

Ichijouji Ken was travelling with Wormmon alone in the same forest Daisuke and his friends were. He had left Daisuke's group after joining them for a short period of time. He felt that he was getting in the way of their teamwork. After traveling for some time, Wormmon told Ken that he had a bad feeling about this place.

Ken glanced around and his eyes widened. He thought he saw a familiar ocean within the forest. Fear overwhelmed him. That was where his Digivice was turned into his current Black D3. That was where he started from as Digimon Kaiser. Ken screamed in fear.

"Ken-chan, what's wrong?" Wormmon asked in panic.

Meanwhile, where Hikari and Miyako were, Hikari heard Ken's scream. Hikari headed to the direction of his voice upon realization. Miyako, Tailmon and Hawkmon were puzzled but they ran after Hikari.

"Hikari-chan, where are you going?" Miyako asked catching up with her.

"Didn't you hear it? Ichijouji-kun's voice. He's screaming." Hikari said.


Hikari finally found Ken who was on his knee clutching his head in pain.

"Ichijouji-kun, what's wrong?" Hikari kneeled down to his level asking him in concern. Miyako glanced around checking if something such as BlackWarGreymon appeared.

"The ocean... I saw the ocean... A dark ocean..." Ken cried holding his head in pain. Hikari gasped.

"A dark ocean." She repeated his words. Miyako did not know what Ken was talking about. They were inside a forest and there was not an ocean in sight.

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