Chapter 1

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     After school Ash and I went to our usual hang out... The mall. While we were there I was trying on some jeans when he mentioned that Blood on The Dance Floor was coming to town.

     "No way! I've been dieing to see them in concert!" I said through the door. I was almost falling over trying to get the pants on to talk to him.

     "Well, we should have enough money saved up from the last concert we seen to go to this one." He said when I stepped out to show him the jeans.

     "Yeah, that's true. Urgh, I'd have to make an excuse to my mom though like I did last time. She hates it that I listen to them. She'd never let me go. By the way, how do these look?" I said posing for him like I was a model.

     "Just say you're coming to my house to study. And those look cute. They make your ass look big though."

     I shrugged and went back in the changing room. Then I got my phone out and told my mom that I would be late for dinner. Then I got changed and headed to the checkout with Ash. The pants may make my ass look big but they were cute. I paid for them and then we went to Ashs' place. Good thing he only lived right down the street.

     "So, do you think we would actually get to talk to Dahvie or Jayy?" I said enthustiastically. I so wanted to meet them both but especially Dahvie.

     "I honestally hope so. I mean you're practically obsessed with Dahvie, and Jayy is just sexy. It's ashame Dahvie doesn't play for my team all the way." Ash pouted.

     I nodded. I understood, what he ment. He thought Jayy was as yummy as you could get, but he wanted both Dahvie and Jayy. Me on the other hand just wanted Dahvie. I mean who didn't? He was hot.

     "Well, hopefully we can meet them. They are my idols. It would just make my dream come to true to meet them. I would tell them how much they inspire me to be myself." I said smiling.

     Ash agreed which made me happy. Then we plopped our stuff on his desk and sat on his bed and talked about what we were going to wear when his dad burst in throwing a drunken fit. I forgot to mention that his dad was a huge drunk and half the time took out his drunken anger on Ash which pissed me off. He only did this because he didn't know how to deal with his son being gay. I really don't like homophobes.

     "Okay, Don. You need to back off," I said getting up from the bed and in his dads personal space. I could smell the beer on his breath.

     "Your son is a good kid and doesn't do anything wrong so to come up in here in your drunken sorrows and tell him off everyday like you do is just wrong. Honestly you should be ashamed. You make your kid feel like shit when he does everything in his power to make you proud and that is never enough." I said making him back up and out of the room. I didn't even give him time to respond I just closed the door in his face.

     I walked back to Ash who had tears in his eyes and was smiling at me. I shrugged asa if it was no big deal and I did stuff like that for people everyday.

     "This is one of the many reasons we're besties. Because I know you'll never turn your back on me Kourt." He said letting the tears spill from his eyes.

     "No I won't. I'm not that big of a douche bag. Plus I need someone to keep me out of trouble, and someone to be my sidekick and partner in crime." I said and my eyes were twinkiling with mischif.

     We both laughed at that. Which made him cheer up so we got back to discussing our plans for the concert until I realised what time it was. I told Ash I had to go and he reminded me that the concert was in 2 days so to tell my mom our plan tonight. I said I would, and started on my way home.

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