2: Coffee and Confessions

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Colson's POV

It took me two or three minutes to calm Amina down enough to convince her to just let me take her to the hospital, she was in no state to drive and her son needed her. 

I looked over at her and noticed her staring out the window, her lip caught between her teeth and her leg bouncing wildly, a sure tell that she was freaking out. 

I instinctively reached out and placed my hand on her knee, rubbing small circles against the fabric on her sweatpants, one of the only things that used to calm her down.

"He's gonna be fine, Mina," I said attempting to reassure her, but I knew my voice was as shaky as my heart was shattered when she pulled away from me and turned her body towards the passenger door.

I came into this thing today with a sliver of hope that Amina and I could somehow find our way back to each other, but this news floored me.

She had a son.

She... she moved on.

It wasn't like she didn't deserve to. I dicked around and broke her heart, fucking up the one-shot I had with the girl of my dreams. 

And now... she has a kid? How long has she been with this other guy? It's obviously serious, but to what extent? How could she get over us that quickly?

Millions of questions were racing through my mind as I finally parked in the visitor's lot at the hospital. I barely had the car in park before Amina hopped out and ran toward the entrance, leaving me sitting there dumbfounded.

Should I go after her? 

Was her boyfriend or husband already waiting for her inside? 

I sat there for just a moment before deciding that making sure Amina was okay was more important than anything. 

Grabbing my go-to hat and sunglasses to mask my identity, I hopped out of my truck and ran into the hospital, trying to stay as lowkey as possible.

I saw her just ahead of me, leaving the nurses station running down a hall. I began to speed walk just to keep up with her; the girl was always quick, but this was something I'd never seen before. I was just catching up to her as she slowed down, heading into room 116.

I stood at the door for a moment, not sure whether I should go in or not. I knew whatever was on the other side would break my heart, and I wasn't ever going to see Amina moving on, but I had to make sure she was okay.

So after another moment of hesitation, I finally pushed the door open. The first person I saw was Warren, Amina's father, and resident cardiologist at the hospital we were all in. He remained seated in a chair near the foot of the bed, and with the curtain closed, was the only person I could see.

He glared at me for a moment before turning to tell Amina she had a visitor. I heard a tiny voice talking to her and the childlike rambling let me know her son was young but old enough to talk.

I walked further into the room and pulled back the curtain slowly. When I did it changed my whole world.


He had curly dark-chestnut hair and his eyebrows were thick and arched, slightly darker in color than mine, but the exact same shape. He definitely had a smile like his mom's-- wide and adorable-- but everything else was too familiar.

I hadn't realized that I began crying until I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks, a sensation I haven't felt since I came back home that first Thanksgiving.

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