20: Calm Down

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Amina's POV

I sat in the car for what felt like hours after I found a spot close to the maternity building, battling internally on whether or not I should even go inside.

My anxiety quickly turned to guilt as my thoughts went back to the day in February that changed my entire life forever.



It was a pretty typical Saturday night in Los Angeles... or at least it would've been if I hadn't been in the hospital, waiting to give birth.

"You're at six centimeters, Ms. Davies. Looks like we've still got some way to go," Dr. Rhodes said as she looked up at me with a sympathetic smile. It had been almost nine hours and probably the fourteenth time I've asked for someone to check for me.

My dad, who had flown in as soon as my mom called him, kissed my forehead, reassuringly.

"Ugh.... why won't he come out?!" I whined, tiredly.

"You must have made him a good little home in there," he said affectionately, rubbing my belly, as the door swung open.

"But he'll have a better one out here if he ever wants to introduce his stubborn little butt to the world," I groaned, seeing my mother returning with more ice chips.

"You were just as stubborn," she said, setting the cup on the table next to me.


"Fifteen hours of labor and another pushing and there you were," my dad smiled, looking up at my mom, who took the seat across from him.

The two spent a moment staring at each other and I could tell there was still love there.

Deep down, I always knew my dad regretted letting all those hours spent at the hospital tear them apart and I was always hopeful that someday, they'd find their way back to each other.

"Guys? Hi... just trying to pop out your grandchild," I said, clasping my hands together.

"Calm down kiddo, we're still a few hours out from being grandparents," my dad joked.


About an hour later, I was walking around my room, scrolling through my phone when my heart caught in my throat.

HoopNewz Alert: Duke Freshman Colson Young breaks single-game record with 52pts 29 rebounds and 22 assists.

I contemplated calling him right then, God now's I wanted to, but I had no clue what I would say.

Congrats on your game, I'm having your baby today...?

But then I thought about what was more than likely going to happen or already happening.

Colson would go out and celebrate with the team, maybe that girl would be there again.

Maybe it's a different girl every night.


My dad's focused shot toward the monitor when it began beating quicker.

"Mina, sweetie, I'm gonna need you to calm down, okay?" he said standing from his seat as he and my mother both began moving closer toward me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, nervously, afraid something was wrong with the baby.

"Your heartbeat quickened, and it's stressing out the baby," he said, as they guided me back to bed.

"Oh, sweetheart," my mom said as she looked down and saw the article on Colson open on my phone. Turning it over before my dad could take a glance, I sighed.

"Did... did you want to call him?" my mom asked, and I shook my head spitefully.

I let him break my heart, but there was no way he would ever get the chance to break my baby's.



Thinking back to ultimately the worst decision I'd ever make, I knew it was stupid cutting Colson out of my life, especially when all I wanted was to have him in it.

Cayden and Colson deserved each other, and Colson deserved to be there to hear those first words, to see those first steps, to hear his first laugh.

I took that from the both of them and as I got out of Colson's truck,I rubbed my still flat belly, promising the new little bean in there that there would never be a time there daddy wasn't there.

No matter what happened in Brie's delivery room.


Another short chapter this weekend, I had one more in me

Who's excited for what's coming next?

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