13: Disaster

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A/N: Special shoutouts go to Mvholden81 for a location, JessySling for the food, and JaniyaLuvYou for an item of clothing... you guys are awesome and this chapter is for you!  

Note: I didn't forget about the other entries!

Amina's POV


Well, it's been a month since I left Colson again, and all I can seem to think about is how much I fucking miss him.

Rationalizing that those thoughts needed to stop as soon as possible, I decided to put myself out there and go on a date.

Moping around the house wasn't healthy, and I knew that if I went out, I just might be able to get my mind off of Colson... at least for a little while.

So... I agreed to go on a date with Zander, the guy who worked with my dad at the hospital. It was the first date I had gone on with someone who wasn't Cayden's dad and I was hella nervous.

After getting ready, I went downstairs to see my dad and Cayden playing with some flashcards.

"Good job, Cayden! That's an elbow!" my dad said excitedly as Cayden pointed at the right card.

"Eh-bow!" he replied happily, clapping his hands together. "Mommy!" he yelled once he saw me standing in the doorway.

"You having fun with Grandpa?" I asked, coming over to pick him up from the couch.

"Mmm-hmm," he said, showing me the flashcards he was holding.

"Looks like Grandpa is having fun as well," I said, looking at the different body-part cards he was holding.

"Guess the medical stuff skips a generation," I commented as I set Cayden back down next to my dad, who looked up at me, eyeing my outfit.

"Guess the medical stuff skips a generation," I commented as I set Cayden back down next to my dad, who looked up at me, eyeing my outfit

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"You sure you're ready?" he asked, and I looked down at my outfit then back at him before noticing the smile on his face.

The Old Man was tryna mess with me.

"Very funny, Dad," I said as the doorbell rang. He stood from the couch to get the door, but I was quicker, already set to go as I brushed past him.

After the way he chewed Colson out before our first date back in high school, I had a feeling history might repeat itself and I didn't need the extra stress tonight.

"Try not to give him too much to drink. Make sure, he doesn't try to ask for an extra story at bedtime. Lights out at 9, Cayden! Mommy loves you, byeeeeee" I said more to my dad but enough so Cay knew I was serious.

"Wow... you look incredible," Zander said when I opened the front door as he handed me a rose.

"Thank you," I smiled softly, setting it inside before following him out to his sleek Mercedes.

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