22: Party of Four

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Amina's POV

It had been three weeks since that day at the fiasco and a little more than two since we found out that Colson wasn't the father of Brie's baby.

Apparently she had forged the paperwork she brought over that day to rub in my face. The baby's father was actually Ashton, who apparently was gearing up for a nasty custody battle.

Given the fact that she tried to pin the baby on him when there were multiple potential fathers, Colson and Ashton were able to see beyond their differences and Colson offered to testify on his behalf if necessary.

"Pshhh, I've got an incoming three-year-old, prepare for landing," Colson said and I turned to see him carrying a giggling Cayden into the kitchen like he was an airplane.

"Detour to countertop, Captain Daddy needs kisses," he said, walking over to me, placing his lips against mine, tasting the sugary frosting I had been busy decorating with.

"Mmmm," he said licking his lips as he pulled away.

"I get mommy kisses too," Cayden said, almost pouting. I smiled down at him in Colson's arms and gently grabbed his face, kissing him all over.

"Mommy... no more!" he said after a while, trying his best to pull away.

"Okay, birthday boy," I said wiping the frosting off his face with a single finger. "You ready for your breakfast,"

"Cay-Cake! Cay-Cake!" he clapped happily, causing a confused look to form on his dad's face.

"Babe, what's Cay-Cake?" he asked.

After telling him to take Cayden's PJ shirt off and put him in his highchair, Colson locked him in and his eyes nearly popped out as I placed Cayden's breakfast in front of him.

After telling him to take Cayden's PJ shirt off and put him in his highchair, Colson locked him in and his eyes nearly popped out as I placed Cayden's breakfast in front of him

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"I present to you... Cay-Cakes," I said smiling as Cayden began attacking the sugary stack the second I put it down.

"Umm, babe. You sure you want him to have that much sugar?" Colson asked, taking a bite, earning a shocked and hurt gasp from Cayden.

"Daddy!" he warned.

"I'm sorry, buddy," he said, backing away from Cayden, focusing on me.

"He only gets them on his birthday, plus by the time his party rolls around later today, he'll be able to burn off all that energy with the other kids," I stated matter-of-factly as I began cleaning off the countertop.

"How's your breakfast, buddy?" Colson asked and we both laughed when all Cayden could do in response was a little happy dance in his high chair.

"So, Cay, once you're finished with your breakfast, your Daddy's gonna get you cleaned up and into your IronMan costume before your party, okay?"

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