21: Congratulations

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Colson's POV

"I only had time to step out for a minute, but so far, so good," I said into the phone as I gently shut the door to Brie's room. She was still a little ways from being ready to push and I wanted to call my mom for an update.

"And how's Amina?" she asked and I sighed.

"I'm not sure. She... she hasn't made her way up here yet," I said, rubbing my face with my free hand, trying my best not to think about the fact that she could have just driven back to the house to start packing again.

Deciding to check the waiting room once more, I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw her pacing.

She didn't leave me.

"That girl loves the hell out of you," my mom said, almost like she could hear my thoughts.

"I know," I replied, a little bummed because I knew her nerves were only shot to hell because of me.

After promising to call soon for another update, I hung up with my mom, walking over to Amina, who had yet to see me.

"Hey," I said softly and she jumped a little as she finally looked up, her brown eyes widening as she bit her lip.

"So? You a dad yet? I mean... you know," she said nervously and a small smile found its way onto my face.

"Only to Cayden, so far. Mom said he's good," I said with a soft smile, wanting to figure out exactly what was going on in that beautiful mind of hers.

"How's... how's Brie?" she asked, and I could tell she felt betrayed by her own body as that name fell from her lips.

"Asking for you," Brie's mom, Janet, stated coldly as she left Brie's room. Walking past us, she twisted her lip in disgust as she eyed Amina, instantly making my blood boil.

Instinctively, I pushed Amina behind me, wanting to protect her from this woman's scowl. I held Amina close until Brie's mom was out of sight, only then looking down and seeing that fake smile plastered on her face again.

"Go... it's okay," she nodded and I knew she was holding back tears.

"Baby..." I began, not wanting to leave her at that moment.

"Really... it's okay. I'm... I'll go get us some food, okay?" she said and I nodded sadly, understanding that Amina needed some time to herself.

I just had to pray that she'd come back.

"I love you," I whispered, knowing she didn't hear me as she walked away.


"That's it, Brie! Give me one more big push..." the doctor said as the chaotic scene played out in front of me.

Nurses were all rushing around, Brie's mom held one of her legs, and I was behind her, propping her up as she screamed in misery.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" she screamed before the room was filled with the sound of a crying newborn.

All of the stress and dread I was experiencing that day seemed to heighten as the baby emerged.

"It's a healthy baby boy," the doctor said before placing him on an exhausted Brie's chest.

After Brie's mom cut the cord, they took the baby to get him cleaned off.

"You did so good, sweetie," her mother said, brushing the hairs away from her sweaty forehead.

"Thanks, Mom," her voice was hoarse and she sounded tired. "How is he? Cols?" she asked and I finally looked over at her from my spot where I was watching the baby get cleaned off, taking a quick photo.

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