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Youth and Discovery

" Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." -Mark Twain

After Olivia dropped me off at my house from Serena's bash, I can finally drop the act. Phew, acting like I was injured took a lot of energy. Hopefully by tomorrow, everyone would think that I healed overnight.

I walk normally to the kitchen and find my Pop doing more paperwork. He works for a science lab named Avalon not far from here.

                When I was younger, I loved working with him and mom on new assignments, but that was the old, boring, nerdy Sawyer. But that doesn't mean sometimes that I can't help him. When he is asleep, I solve some problems for him. Only sometimes. I open the fridge and grab the milk.

                " Is that blood on your forehead?" My pop asks. I wave him off telling him that it's old news. He comes up to me and examines my forehead. I let out a sigh and take a drink.

                 " That's a pretty deep cut. Why didn't you go to a hospital?"

                  " Pop, it's fine. I'm fine. I probably have a major concussion, but that's it."

                  " Major concussion my-." He mutters while he shakes his head. I don't want my pop to worry about me. He already has enough to worry about with the business and all. Their producers are going to shut them down if they don't have a break through soon. His supreme officers are quite hard on him. But my mom and dad are one of the leading scientists in the world. He will figure it out.

                  I see Pop scribble notes on a blueprint and in his notebook. I tilt my head to get a better view of the blueprint.

                   " A weapon. At least, that's what we are trying to do." His soft eyes seem sunken in, due to lack of sleep. His hair is everywhere probably from scratching his head. A weapon, huh? I wonder what for. I mean, World War 2 just ended, and my father already served his time. Is it the Cold War? Are they going to turn it into an actual war with the commies? I see the look on my Pop's face and decided that is probably too tired to deal with questions that he can't answer.

                  " Why don't you rest, pop? You're no good if you're tired." I tell him. He nods slowly and I help him get out of the barstool. He walks off to his room. I guess ever since mom left, I've been the woman of the house. I make sure that Pop gets enough sleep and get's fed, along with my brother.

I miss my mom. I shake the thought from my head, not wanting to deal with that right now.

                  I take a glance at Pop's notes and blueprints. It looks like a chamber of some sort. Based on the chemicals and temperatures, it looks like a freezing tank. I review my pop's notes in his notebook.

                 We are so close to figuring out the machine. We are missing one last ingredient. If we could figure out a way to keep the blood moving and pumping.

                 I look again at the blueprint. They are building some sort of cage. For a human. A way to freeze the human body? And keeping it alive? How could this be a weapon? I mean if you just want to freeze someone, through them in a lake up north. It doesn't make sense. I can feel my old gears, dusting off and start turning.

                 But then an idea pops into my head. I was reading a science book on medicines last week. I quickly grab my backpack and pull it out. I flip through my book, and each page is filled with colors and my notes. Oh boy, if any one found this book, I'll be nerd of the year.

                  There! There it is! I grab Pop's notebook and write down the medicine or drug in this case.

                 Pop, sorry for going through your work but I think I know what you might be stuck on. There is a drug called Heparin. It's an anticoagulant, usually used for heart attacks or angina pectoris. Basically, it prevents any clotting in the blood veins. It's very simple, but it works. Hope this helps, love you.

                I feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. And if a boulder just landed on my head. Oh man it hurts just to think. I find some medicine in a cabinet and take a couple, hoping to drug me through the night. I just hope I'm right about the drug and the science lab will have another break through.

               I quickly clean up the kitchen and go to my room. I crumble onto my bed, hoping for a less action packed day to go by tomorrow. I tilt my head to see my science book. Maybe it's not such a bad thing to be smart. My voice echoes and for once... maybe I agree with myself.

Thank you for you time, advice, and interest and I hope you continue to read my story!!♥︎♥︎

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Thank you for you time, advice, and interest and I hope you continue to read my story!!♥︎♥︎

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