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" To acquire knowledge one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe." - Marilyn vos Savant.

I found myself standing outside the principal's office, with my Pop standing on the side. He thanks the principal. Now I'm just confused. Am I getting out of school early? My Pop puts his arm around my shoulders.

" Hey there, pumpkin. I'm taking you out of school to take you to my lab." I couldn't contain my excitement. I hop out of his embrace and jump up and down.

" What?!" Ever since we moved here, I've always wanted to visit Pop's lab. Even when mom and pop were together, they never let me go their workspace.

" You can't be serious, Pop! You've never let me go to your lab." He smiles. I notice a different aura surrounding him. His hair is combed, he smells of cologne, his shirt is buttoned up and his tie isn't loose. He looks confident. Better.

" Oh, but I saw the little note that you left in my journal, pumpkin. You turned the entire experiment around and solved it! We've been working on it for years and it's finally coming together!" I couldn't but help smiling along with my dad. It's good to see a smile on his face.

We get into his car and make our way down the road. Even though I couldn't contain my excitement, watching the birds and the gold tipped leaves, helped me control my anxiety. From roads blocked by trees, we enter a valley. A wide empty valley.

The tall grass seems to be higher than our car, and the wind blows through each vine of grass carefully. Maneuvering through each one before escaping into the road. I face my line of sight to the front of the car. The biggest, whitest building I've ever seen was towering over us. Heavens to Betsy. I think to myself. This was their lab? Well no wonder why we were set up well during the war, this place must've gotten a really big sponsorship to pull this off.

" Because of you, my pumpkin, none of this will go to waste." He seems so proud. And I have to admit, that problem was really easy to solve. My pride flares up. If I could solve an elite scientific problem, what could I do when I actually try?

The inside was nothing like the inside. It seems massive. About 13 levels. Scientists are running around, looking at books, and some weird square devices. A light emanates from them and shines on the scientists face.

" What are those pop?" I ask him

" You aren't technically supposed to know, but we are calling it a pad. You have notes, videos photos and everything on it."

" Why am I not supposed to know? That would be very useful for everyone. Along with those things." I point to a woman scientist coming our way. She had a rectangle shape box against her face. She was talking into it. That's a funny thing to do.

" Those are the future. They are a more advanced technology of today's phones. No cord, for landline." Wow. This place really is the future.

" You aren't supposed to know, because we can't release these until future years."

" Why not?"

" It's the Cold War right now. We can't let the Russians know what we've invented. Do you know what the commies will do when they have this type of technology?" I don't know much about politics, so I shrugged. Seems reasonable.

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