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The Future is Now

" It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer." -Albert Einstein

    I'm Sawyer. I'm a pale, freckled face, redhead named Sawyer. My breathing suddenly got heavy. I drop the blanket and fall back against the wall. I put my hand on my chest trying to slow my breathing. A quiet smooth tone echoes through the room.

    " Subject One is hyperventilating. Exhibiting low carbon dioxide levels. Subject One, inhale. Take a long deep breath." The feminine stoic voice calms me. I inhale, holding it as long as I can, and exhale. The voice talks me through it at least 10 more times. I try to not freak out even more that some random voice floating around the room.

    " Subject One-"

    " That's not my name!" I shout to no one.

    " Subject One, do you remember your name? Most subjects don't remember any details of their life for about 5 to 6 months. It would be quite peculiar for you to remember an important detail." I squeeze my head together. Pictures come tomy mind but quickly dissolve. I try to keep the pictures in my mind.

" My name is Sawyer," I take a pause to concentrate on the images in my brain. I crouch and wrap my arms around my legs, " I think- I think I'm 18."

    " That is correct Sawyer Hill. Your physical age is 18. Try not to stress too much. Your memories will be slowly restored with time." Physically 18? What is that supposed to mean? I stand up.

    " I want to- I want to know now! Why can't I know now?" My voice cracks and screams. My breathing is now under control but my head is pounding. The pictures and ideas bounce back and forth, wanting to escape, but too scared to.

    " You are exhausted Sawyer Hill. Please lay down and get the necessary sleep that you need to recover from your... well your sleep." Sleep? I try to remember how I got in this room. I remember white tile.



    " What exactly was my sleep?" I ask, feeling weird.

    " I am not permitted to say until you are well rested and settled."

    " Urgh!" I shout. I punch the wall, immediately regretting my idiotic decision.

    " Sawyer Hill, please refrain from self harm or a doctor will be forced to enter your room." A live doctor? Another human being? I'll do anything to see another human being than listen to this... ugh, what is going on?

    I hit the wall again, hoping to get a reaction.

    " Please Sawyer Hill, refrain from self harm or a live doctor will be forced-"

    " Let me guess a doctor," I punch the wall again, " will be," I punch again, " forced to enter?" I punch the wall harder, making a hole.

    I hear air escaping something, but I ignore it. I continue punching.

    " Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey, woah slow down there." A deep voice tells me. He prys me away from the wall and sets me down on bed. And I see his face.

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