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We stayed calm and obedient to Avalon so they wouldn't catch us. But over the next few weeks we uncovered more evidence, and I have regained all my memories. Same with Serena and Miles. Miles has mastered his cold just like I have, but for some strange reason Serena doesn't have it. Miles and I would have private practices with Jack who would monitor our bodies while we summoned the cold. Everything appears normal, except for our blood. Jack says he has never seen anything like it and he doesn't know how we've survived through this process. But Miles and I both know what it is. We've adapted and we are stronger because of it. Miles and I have also gotten closer during all of this. Out of work, where we still see each other, we spend almost every moment together. I don't know how he feels about me... or the whole thing.
But he is always by my side. I don't ask for it, I don't demand him to be close to me. He chooses that. And I couldn't be more grateful. He is my oldest friend... and maybe something else.
I feel a sting cold slap across my face. I turn to see Miles, readying another snowball.
"You are thinking too much, Hill. You need to learn how to let loose." He says, before I launch a snowball at him. He falls to the ground from the force, and I laugh. He sends frost from the floor and then we have a sparring match. We throw ice, frost, and snow at each other. We get closer and closer with each attack. Soon we are really close, and I could feel the warmth of his breath against my cold face.
"H-hello." He stuttered. I chuckle at how adorable he is. I push him back and get ready for another attack, but then Jack walks in.
"Hey guys, Serena found something." He said in the doorway. Miles and I look at each other and melt all the ice around us. We quickly followed Jack and walked into the doctor area. I keep my gaze in front of me. There are cameras everywhere, we have to act like we are actually going here for a reason. Jack puts his hand on my lower back and leads me into the room with Serena. I catch an uncomfortable glance from Miles, who seems to be looking where Jack's hand is. Interesting. I see Serena, whose fingers are intwined with each other.
When we got our memories back, Serena and I had a long talk discussing our last relationship we had at home. We talked through a lot and now we are closer than ever. The doctor rooms like these don't have cameras due to patient continentality. We can talk freely.
"Hey guys, look what I found." Serena said. She passes us a file. I open it up. I quickly read the description. It talks about how the machines first came to be. And how the people inside could become weapons. The descriptions of these weapons sound a lot like Miles and I. Miles and I both look at each other. It's been hundreds and hundreds of years. How are Miles and I the only ones who have this power, and how come we are only being woke up now? I ask myself. I look at the date when this report was made. 1942. A few years before we disappeared.
"I didn't find a name that belongs to the report, only to who is was given too. A scientist who apparently come up with the whole idea and was funding all of Avalon." Serena said. I nod my head, knowing who she was talking about.
"Yes, Doctor Wellington." I tell her, but Serena shakes her head.
"No, it was someone named... let me look again. Her name was Theresa Summers." She said. I froze. My heart plummeted. Theresa Summers. No. It couldn't be. I could feel wind run through my hair, and cold biting my cheeks.
"Sawyer!" I hear someone call my name over the wind. I feel someone wrap around me. I know it's Miles. I try to calm down but I can't stop hearing that name. Theresa Summers.
After I let the blizzard down a little bit, I can feel Miles tighten his grip on me.
"Who is she?" I can hear him whisper. I finally let the tears drip down my cheeks.
"Mom. She... she is my mom." I let out. I feel his grip loosen at the surprise, and I can hear Serena curse out loud. I look at her again.
"What? What is it Serena?" I ask her, my voice sounding more urgent. She looks at me with a look of guilt.
"She's alive. They put her in a cyro machine as well, once they figured out it was successful." She said quietly. She's alive. Mom. Then anger took over.
"You mean after they killed my brother and well over 20 kids?" I mutter to myself. I stand up straight. I had to know why she did it. Why mom thought this was a good idea.
"We can't go after her, not by ourselves. She is powerful. Barely any one sees her, no one comes in contact." Jack said.
"There is no way that Miles and I are the only ones that have this power. We were all in the same machines with the same formula. We just need to find them. Then, once we tell them the truth, we can win." I say. I'm pissed. I'm ready to get back my freedom. I'm ready to avenge my brother. My father. My friends. Everyone. My mom is done screwing everyone over.

After some tests, Jack was able to find people that had similar blood to Miles and I. When we learned on who we can trust, we told people about what Avalon really is. Some couldn't believe it, some did right away. Miles and I taught them how to use their powers and how to make them stronger. Then we were ready.
I was leading the front, with Miles and Jack by my side. We followed the map that Serena made for us and all of us, all of us that was hurt and imprisoned, made our way to my Mom. When we arrived outside the fort, I turned to everyone.
"Okay. No turning back after this point. We can do this." I tell them. They nod their heads and I turn back to the door. I put my palm on it and let the whole thing be covered in ice. When it was fully incased, Jack kicked it down and we became on the offensive. All the kids used their cold to stop guards and we were well on our way. Most of the kids stayed behind to keep the area protected, but Miles and I walked to where my mom is supposed to be. I throw my ice out and knock down the door. And then I see her. Sitting in her chair. As if nothing is wrong. She turns to look at me, and her mouth drops open.
"Sawyer..." She says. She tries to stand but I freeze her hand to her desk.
"Sawyer. Please don't be like this." She said. I shake my head.
"No. You don't deserve it. I want to know how to leave. Because apparently, no one can." I say as I walk closer to her desk. Her red hair falls down her shoulders just like mine.
"No one can. You have no idea what the world is like now." She says, trying to stall. I make an icicle out of my hand. She looks down at it with fear.
"Saywer..." I hear Miles warn me. I wasn't going to hurt her, but she doesn't know that.
"We are no longer part of your program. We are not your warriors. We are leaving, and you are going to let us." I tell her. She looks back at Miles and then me. She nods her head. I defrost her hand and push her in front of me.
After we gather everyone up, Mom takes us through tunnels and tunnels. We managed to grab Serena before we left, and she wanted all the details. I told her that we will talk after. When we reached the end of the tunnel, Mom hesitated. I slowly nod my head, telling her to let us go. She punches buttons and a door slowly opens. All I felt was heat. Just heat. I look out and was expecting trees and green, just like we left it. Except there wasn't. It was all dirt, and red everywhere. I turn to face Mom.
"The world is gone, S." She says. No. NO one is allowed to call me that except for Dustin. Who she killed. I take a step outside. Luckily everyone followed me, not a doubt in their minds. I turn back to face Mom. She had guilt all over her face.
"Now close the door. If you come after us, we will come after you, and everything you have ever built and freeze it." I tell her, not saying goodbye. She looks at me one more time before closing the door. I look at everyone, who look at me for the next step. And that is all we need. Is one more step. I take a step and begin to walk. I hear footsteps behind me. We are free, and we have the whole world to discover. We will be okay. We will adapt.

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